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"What ? What is it." I looked to see myself

Romeo Montague — — Michael Simmons

Youve got to be shitting me

"I didn't even know he auditioned!" She looked at me with the widest eyes and a shocked look

"Yeah! Neither did i!" I exclaim with the same expression

"Lucy... Clara."

We both turned our heads to the calling of our names.

Speak of the devil

"Michael.... Hi...." Clara greeted uneasily

He cleared his throat before speaking,
"Um I just wanted to come over and congratulate you, Lucy."

"Thanks." I say sternly

I was beyond annoyed. He just has to ruin everything, this play was my thing, MINE. I was still incredibly upset that he most likely cost me my relationship with Paul and now he was going to take over the one thing I had been looking forward to and keeping me going.

"We didn't even know you auditioned." Clara says

"Yeah I thought it would've been a fun surprise, well that was before um everything happened."

The audacity he has coming up to me after everything. Why did he not back out?! After everything!!! I am so beyond pissed right now I feel like I could slap him a million times over.

"I think it'll be fun." He said with an awkward smile

"Yeah. You and I both know that won't be the case." I said with an annoyed look before walking away.

I didn't look back at him, Clara followed after me. I suddenly felt this wave of anxiousness wash over me. It was getting hard to breathe and I began to feel clammy. I made my way to the girls bathroom and just stood there infront of the mirror

"Luc, are you okay?"
Clara must've noticed how uneasy I was. She gave me a light hug, "it'll be okay."

"How can it be okay?! He almost ruined my whole relationship, basically ruined our friendship and now this?!"
I felt hopeless.

Then my mind went to Paul. I could not let him find out, I would have to tell him first. I think if he didn't hear it from me he'd be very upset. Not that we've spoken at all but I just had a slight feeling.

I turned around and gave Clara a gentle smile, "Thanks C , I'll be okay. I need to find Paul."

I grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze before leaving the bathroom. I once again walked down the hall and lo and behold saw Paul standing next to the bulletin board.

He was with his group of friends. They were all talking amongst each other but his eyes were skimming through the list. I watched as his expression changed as he continued to read it.

It's almost as if he knew I was looking at him because he turned my way. His eyes stared into mine for a brief moment. There was no kindness behind them, they didn't look at me the way they used to, frankly it made me feel sick.

He looked me up and down before turning and walking away.

What am I going to do

AN: Filler with some dramaaaa
Hoping to do some writing during my break !

Nobody told me ~ Paul McCartney Where stories live. Discover now