Ten x Y/N||01.10||IM||

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The trees laugh once more, dressed in their carnival clothes and it's most vibrant hues. Autumn came as a gospel choir, harmonised in a way that celebrates each hue and demonstrates how they belong together, the show of leaves had began, each leaf falling swiftly from the twig to the ground, a pile of gold building on the side.

Y/N stands, watching, one by one how the leaves fall to the ground, her mind entertained by the nature.

In spring, flowers and trees bloom, animals come out of hiding from the previous season.

In summer the days a longer, and the sun shows it's face, shining bright rays of sunlight which helps turn leaves and flowers fully green.

In Autumn sugars become concentrated in the leaves, more anthocyanin is produced and leaves turn reddish, golden brown, and fall.

In Winter the leaves and flowers wither, and fragile leaf tissues freeze, Trees on the other hand go through dormancy, and prepare for spring.

A natural process, which occurs over and over again, yet always manages to fascinate the young girl as she watches the tree, she and her mother had grown, dance and scatter it's leaves on the floor...like every other year.

She walks towards the tree, the tree which held treasures and memories, and places her palm on it's trunk, and a soft wind hissed and she smiles.

"You again?" A voice speaks, "You by the Tree".

Y/N rolls her eyes, annoyed at the human that had dared to disturb the annual bonding with her tree. She turns a clear annoyed expression plasters on her face, yet when she turns, her jaw fell in awe at the looks of the owner of the voice.

He has a radiating angelic aura around him, and is dressed in brown fashionable winter clothes with matching blown boots. His hair is pitch black and his facial features ineffable.

"Again?" Y/N responds after eyeing the boy.

"Yes You," He starts, "You're here every year" He continues and also eyes the girl up and down.

"So what?"

"But you didn't come last year...why?" He proceeds to say, shaking his head as he realises how creepy he sounds. Y/N on the other hand, without judgements turns back to the tree and sighs.

"She died" Y/N smiles, "The owner of this tree died" She turns her head sharply, tears in her eyes but a wide smile spreads on her lips, her eyes forming a moon-like shape. He, taken aback, stares blankly at the girl who smiled at the mention of someone's death.

"Who knew she'd be a psycho..." He whispers and turns placing his hands in his pockets.

"I'm not a psycho, but you can't say very much seen as you know I come here every year."

He stops walking and turns his whole body around, "You've come to this same tree for the past 11 years, At first, I thought it was just coincidence but after the fourth year I assumed it was a ritual. I sit there," He points at the bench not further from the tree, "And watch you. At some point in the year I grew impatient, knowing I could only see this mysterious girl once a year, in this one place. You were a mystery I wanted to solve and today, I did"

Y/N stands, stunned at the blunt story of the young man, such a fine young man...waiting for her? Every year? Joke.

"Why today?" Y/N asks curiosity consuming her.

"Today is the day I got diagnosed...I purposely asked to be told how long I had to live today, on this day, because no matter how hard it is, I hoped that I got to see you at least one last time" He returns the smile she gave. A smile that hid so many thoughts and emotions, a smile so strong it would convince you to believe he was fine, even if he says he wasn't.

Y/N now held the similar expression he held earlier. They both held such mysteries, Neither of them knew each other, yet a strong connection of curiosity is shared between them.

She gives him a smile, a smile which spoke 'Let's find comfort in each other'.

He returns that smile finally achieving what he wanted the most.

Who knew, allowing this man to be part of her life, was her biggest mistake, for she had stayed with him, every day of the year since the day they first spoke. It was them together. Only them;

He made the date she had once treasured, become the day she despised the most.


The day she planted a tree with her mom, The day her mother had died and the day her beloved died.

I'm back for a bit ;)

Also this chapter is based on this look from Kaori in Your lie in April.

Also this chapter is based on this look from Kaori in Your lie in April

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