Taehyung x Y/N||Charger||IM||

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She rushes into the corner shop, the alarm of the shop door dinging loudly announcing the entrance of a new costumer.

Y/N stands, wearing her pyjamas slightly startled by the loud noise, still not used to the shop's bright lighting, she stumbles a few times, trying to look for the chargers.


Well because Y/N had been sat in her room, lights off, Netflix on her laptop, snacks besides her for the past 12 hours, as a result of wanting to catch up to all her missed shows. And what happened? The battery. She had ignored the call for a charger to be connected once and now that the laptop was on 1% she had decided to stand up, to rush and plug the charger, as a result of her rush...she broke the charger...and now she's at a shop, looking for a new cheap charger to buy.

She looks around the shop, entering different aisles getting distracted by the foods, and sticker rather than looking for what's more vital.

She spots a golden sticker pack and reaches out for the treasure as her eyes shining with happiness, although past the age of stickers being so treasured, she couldn't help but bring out her little 5 year old self in front of them.

"Cute" A masculine voice states, and Y/N turns her head to analyse if they are referring to her or something else. She looks down at herself and blushes even without finding the owner of the voice, she would understand if the voice meant her as she is wearing a very childish set of pyjamas - but cute...her? That's a bit of a stretch.

She sets down the stickers and looks for the original reason she came into the shop - Charger.

Y/N, tired of looking, walks to the counter and asks the not so very pleasant looking young girl.

"Hey, where are the chargers?" Y/N asks, expecting a lazy and rude response of the girl.

"Hmm, they're on the fourth aisle," she says in a very nice and calming tone, "Want me to take you there?"

"O-oh sure" Y/N thanks shocked at the girls willingness.

Y/N follows behind the girl, and arrives at the aisle.

"Thank you" Y/N thanks and the girl smiles sweetly, "I came past here so many fucking times and didn't even spot it" Y/N mumbles to herself.

"Language" A man, with a voice similar to that of the one who had said 'cute' warns and Y/N looks up glaring at the tall figure who had a hoodie covering his appearance.

Y/N ignoring his presence as she spots the last Mac book charger, reaches out for the item.

But the man takes it without a second thought and begins to walk away.

"Erm excuse me" Y/N says and she reaches out to pinch the hood of the tall man, her height coming in handy.

She accidentally pulls his hood off and as a result is faced with the back of his head - shiny and wavy black hair.

"Oh wow" She whispers fascinated by only the back of this man's head, unable to picture what his face would hold.

The man stops as he feels his hood being pulled off, turning slowly to look at the girl who had dared to pull his hood down.

As if in slow motion, the appearance of this man is revealed to Y/N, a soft and exiting anxiety building inside her, she sees his nose - perfect.

His lips, a soft pink, his hair bangs and his skin is fair. Then she sees his eyes, his gaze deep and dreamy. They both stare into each other, Y/N thinking she saw an angel reaches out to touch him, but he slaps her hand away.

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