Chapter 20: Friends don't look at friends that way?

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"The real training starts today." Aizawa tells us as we sleepily meet him outside the building.

I rub my eyes. I didn't get much sleep after my encounter with Shoto. I kept thinking about how we hardly communicate and that we have lots to discuss. But typical me, I fucked up and now there's tension.

"Bakugo come here." My eyes snap up. My attention drawn to the front hearing my name. But Aizawa isn't looking at me, as per usual he meant my brother.

"Take this ball and throw it as far as you can."

"Oooh just like the tests we did at the start of the term." Everyones interests are peaked and the sleepiness quickly fades.

Katsuki takes the ball and throws. Aizawa looks at his phone and my brothers score is the exact same as last times.

"What?" People whisper and I see my brother start to get angry.

"Your mental capability may have gotten better but your quirks have not, that's why this whole week is designed to up your quirks strengths majorly." Aizawa explains to us.

He then begins to explain and separate everyone off. Coming to me last.

"Now Kaneko, your challenge is quite different."

At that everyone went silent and watched from their training areas and positions. Aizawa leads me towards this medium sized glass box.

"What is this?" I ask confused looking at it.

"This box, is specially designed by the same people that make your clothes and equipment, to contain your flames so you can practise using your quirk for a longer period of time. Giving you a safe way to gain lots more control over it."

My eyes widen and my heart pumps with fear.

"S-sorry what? Thats n-not safe?" I stutter.

"Its safe don't worry." One of the Pussycats tell me walking towards me.

"Yeah maybe for everyone else, but what if I lose control." I tremble sightly and everyones eyes are on me. I scan around for Shoto, I spot him and he's looking slightly angry and frightened.

"Mr Aizawa will quirk cancel you if anything goes wrong." She assures me.

"Hey you bastards-" Katsuki starts.

"No, don't. I'll be fine." I look at my brother and smile softly. I've got to have faith in myself.

I stroll towards the box, Ripping my gloves off, leaving them lying in the ground and stepping inside. Aizawa shuts the door behind me.

Before I begin I catch Shoto's eyes once more. Taking a deep breath I pull my eyes away from his and start.

Flames flow from my hands catching the box around me alight. It's not melting so at least I know it can stand this heat. I wonder how long it will last. A small smirk flickers on my face as I raise the temperature of my body and flames. The first set of flames were 1000ºc let's bring it up another 1000ºc.

I can't see the outside now but I assume everyones getting started and doing well. The box is still holding out. This isn't too bad.

"Kaneko, you've been in there for 5 minutes at a temperature of 2000ºc, keep going." Aizawa shouts but my ears are ringing like crazy and my eyes are blurring.

No come on, another 500ºc this is good practise if incase I get myself in another villain situation. I'm breathing heavily now and I feel faint. My back starts to ache and I'm panicking.

"MR AIZAWA!" I scream and it stops. I fall to my knees and the box door was flung open. A blanket I assume was fire resistant was flung around me and I was hoisted into the air. I'm still internally panicking because my vision is temporarily gone.

"Bring her to the dorms," A male voice said and I'm rushed away.

Once I assume we reached the door I'm softly placed on the mattress. My vision clears and I see him. That handsome red white haired boy sitting across from me.


"Shh, take it easy that was crazy," He replies fixing the fire resistant blanket around me.

"Huh?" I'm confused.

"We trained for a while but looking at you, engulfed in a swarm of scalding flames distracted us all." He explains looking sadly at me.

"Just like Stain incident." I whisper bringing my hand past my shoulder and touching the top of my scar ruined back.

"I swore to protect you Kaneko, I'm sorry but I refuse to let you do anything reckless."

"Shut up-" I say pushing myself up and using the last of my strength to dim my flames.

I swing my arms around his neck and softly press my lips against his. I feel as drunk on my... my love for him as ever.

I love him.

I guess I've got to come to terms with my feelings. My jealously whenever Yao-Momo is around. My blossoming friendship with him, to me its more. I smile into the kiss remembering what my friends said about us. I love him. I truly do.

We break apart my flames returning slowly and I awkwardly laugh.

"Shoto I-"

"Kaneko, I'm sorry but I can't do this. I'm sorry if you have any type of romantic feelings about me but I just want to be friends..."

My heart sinks and he stands up and away from me.


He looks at me before turning and walking off, he gets to the door.

"After all that talk about protecting me? Kissing me twice. Saying I was the best thing to happen to you. Friends don't say stuff like that. Friends don't look at friends the way we look at each other-"

"Kaneko. Just stop." He quickly rushes off.

"Y-your kidding." I whisper aloud, sitting alone wrapped in my blanket.

A few hours later:

"Okay so you kids will be making a curry! Get too it,"

As we were told yesterday tonight we are the ones making the food. I stand with Mina and Jirou as far away from Sho- Todoroki as I can.

"Kan-Kan, come here and light this fire for us." Uraraka shouts and I wander over. Flinging my gloves off I quickly and easily light the stove.


Everyones heads fling round to see my brother blowing a different stove alight.

"Kaachan," I warn walking up to him putting my gloves back on and start to grab the carrots ready to slice them.

"What," He grumbles and aggressively chops carrots with me.

"Wow Bakugo, you're really good with a knife." Uraraka says and I burst out into a fit of laughter as he screams at her.

When I finish laughing like a madwoman I accidentally catch eyes with Todoroki. I scowl and turn to chat to Kirishima and my brother.

"You and your lover still fighting," Jirou whispers to me at the dinner table. We've finished cooking and now get to indulge in our delicious meal.

"Don't call him that." I scoop the last of the curry into my mouth and stand up from the table.

"Kaneko?!" She shouts as I storm away. I don't want to take it out or Jirou but I just don't want to talk about it.

Deep in the forest:

"Your sure they're here?"


"And the boy it's the right kid."


"I don't really believe you about the girl though."

"I bumped into the girl for fucks sake. She told me herself. She confirmed our suspicions."


Flames : Todoroki x OCWhere stories live. Discover now