Chapter 7: The roaring UA sports festival! (part 5)

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"KANEKO WELL DONE!" Everyone chimes as I enter our reserved stand. I smile embarrassed.

"Thanks guys." I take a seat and start to watch Yaoyurozu's battle against Tokoyami and darkshadow.

I never thought I'd get so close to my classmates but they've got such a charm to them I can't help but smile and joke around with them. No matter how much I try to stay cold they always warm my heart. I guess it can't hurt for now. As long as they don't get in my way I can hang out with them all I like. Plus it's just friends. Nothing more.

"Poor Yaoyurozu..."

I snap out of my thoughts and I notice she's been knocked out of the ring.

"Woah that was quick..." I mumble.

Eventually Katsuki and Uraraka's battle rolls around.

"Who you rooting for Kaneko?" Kaminari asks. I look at him.

"Thats a stupid question, even coming from you." I reply and continue to watch the ring waiting for my brother to appear. We didn't have to wait long, They walk out and the crowd goes mental.

"GO ON KATSUKI!" I scream and he glances up at me. I smile remembering our conversation.

The battle starts and I notice that Katsuki seems to want to get under Uraraka's skin.

"Midoryia, what is that strategy that you wanted to give Uraraka." Iida asks Midoryia who's sitting beside me.

Huh? Strategy. I notice a notebook in Midoryia's lap. Its open on a page I notice my name and Katsuki's.

"Hey gimme that." I grab it out of his lap and swiftly skim over the notes.

"A-ah Kaneko!" He complains.

"You writing notes on me?" I ask him.

"Well yeah and everybody." He mutters embarrassed. I throw the book back into his lap.

"If you wanna know about my quirk just ask." I grumble and turn my attention back onto the match.

I was so distracted I never noticed the uproar across the stands, some pro heroes are complaining and are booing Katsuki because he's not going easy on a girl. Uraraka looks beat but Katsuki won't ease up. He keeps blowing her up, continuing to fight her viciously, everyone in the stands wants him to blow her outta the ring.

"H-hey Kan, don't you think he's a bit harsh." A few of my classmates say.

I whip around and glare at everyone around me.

"The fuck? Katsuki and I were raised to not care about what other people look like or what gender they are but judge them on their abilities. Katsuki and I fight almost daily you think he goes easy on a girl because they're a girl? You are severely wrong, don't insult my brother on what he's decided to do, he knows what he's doing. Fuck off." I sneer and everyone shuts up.

The booing intensifies and I feel my rage building. How dare these idiots think they know what's going on. They're not pros, they're biased, sexist, fools.

"To that "pro hero" who started this riot. Please leave. You're embarrassing yourself. You really think Bakugo here would be doing this is he didn't think Uraraka could handle it. You've really underestimated both contestants." Mr Aizawa finally says into the microphone. The place goes dead silent all you could hear was the fight going on down below.

My classmates turn and look at me. Silently apologising. I never took any notice my eyes were glued to the match.

"Thanks Bakugo for never letting your guard down and not going easy on me." Uraraka suddenly shouts. My brothers face twists in confusion and anger.

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