Chapter 3: The first day at UA! (part 1)

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Second week of April start of the new school year.

I wake up to sunlight leaking underneath my curtains. I gasp. Its today! My first day of high school.

Leaping out of bed and looking for my phone. Class starts at 9am and its now 7.45am. I rush and get into my uniform, put on my gloves and stare into the mirror, the UA uniforms pretty cute. I tie my hair into my signature loose messy braids and pack my bag. I throw my heat resistance tape into my schoolbag along with spare gloves and the usual school stuff. Grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. I spot Katsuki's bag on the floor beside the front door and I chuck mine beside his.

I stroll into the kitchen and throw bread into the toaster. Katsuki's sitting there all dressed smartly in his uniform, munching on his toast with a strange expression on his face.

"Kaachan? Whats wrong?" I ask turning round to face him.

"Its nothing shut up!" He sneers eating faster.

"Aww you nervous?" I tease he glares at me.

"SHUT UP! hurry, we gotta head out to catch the train."

I quickly make my toast and stuff it into my mouth, We head to the door, as we were putting on our shoes. I hear my dad shout my name. I walk into his study. My dad is very busy with work so we hardly talk. He also isn't as strict as my mum is so I don't feel as nervous when speaking with him.

"Hey dad what's wrong?" I say casually looking at him sitting at his desk.

"Kaneko, you 100% want to go to this school to become a hero right?" He says sternly with a hit of suspect. My eyes widen d-does he know?

I regain my composure, "Yeah of course I do! I wanna save people."

"Good good, right off you go you'll miss the train." He says waving his hand and dismissing me.

I walk out. Want to become a hero? No that's not my main focus and its not my main reason to attend this school. 

Katsuki and I walk in silence to the train station. I think to myself, I want to learn how to control my powers. Becoming a hero is just a side career that I'm not really bothered about. It's just a job after all. 

I want to attend UA so I can finally be able to wear what I want, touch people and things without burning them. I don't want to be a threat anymore and UA will help me to become a human not a walking fire hazard. 

We arrive at the train station and Katsuki buys tickets, we wait for the train and get on once it arrives. The train is full of people heading to work but its not that long of a ride to UA.

Yes its selfish but my quirks powerful. I can become a real safe human and save lives, its a win win for everyone.

"Kaneko! Its our stop." Katsuki says breaking my train of thought, and we get off the train.

"Come on we're almost there." I say and we rush out and make our way to the gates of the school. We see groups of students heading inside.

"Hey Kaachan what class are we in?" I ask.

"Erm its class 1-A isn't it?" He says scratching his head.

"You don't sound so confident... but yes its 1-A I was just joking." I laugh as he glares at me. 

He grumbles a not so nice word under his breath and we walk through the school towards our class. I scan the signs above the massive doors.

"1-A, 1-A.. Where is it!" I mumble. 

Aha there it is! As we approach the classroom we see a group of students heading in, and as we walk inside everyone turns and stared at us. The silence in the room was awkward but it was finally broken by a pink skinned and pinked haired girl with small horns on her head. She must have an alien quirk of sorts.

"No freaking way! TWINS!" She squealed with a bright smile on her face.

"Oh my my a hot girl," A pervy, short, purple boy said. He had strange balls on his head and was staring at me intensely. I give him a small glare and he averts his gaze. 

My brother and I sit at our assigned seats.  I get a window seat and I'm at the back! Score! Everyone chats effortlessly and I can't help but feel kind of awkward. What is up with me? I normally feel confident but today I feel strange. 

I glance around scanning the room,  Katsuki is on the same row as me but two seats away, I wonder who's gonna be in front of me they seem to have not arrived yet. Katsuki is already starting a fight with the stuck up boy from the ceremony I can't remember his name though.

I glimpse beside me and there's a boy with both white and red hair. On the side of his head where he has it red there's a nasty looking burn. The boy seems to be spacing out and thinking hard about something. He finally glances up at me and I quickly look away. I hope he didn't notice I was staring.

"DEKU!" I suddenly hear my brother yell and I gaze towards the door to see for myself.

I'd spot that recognisable messy green hair anywhere. It's Izuku Midoryia. Shame he's stuck in a class with us again. Well shame he's stuck with Katsuki at least...

I remember what happened on the last day at our old school. 

Our old Junior high teacher congratulated us 3 for being the first kids from the school to get into UA, We live in a quiet area and the schools overall grades have been slacking.

I was last out of the classroom when we left and when I finally caught up with Katsuki I found him holding Midoryia up against a wall screaming about how it was only supposed to be himself and I getting into UA and he warned him not to apply.

Just before I stepped in to pull Katsuki off him. Midoryia grabbed his hand and pushed Katsuki off him. I recall Midoryia saying someone told him he could become a hero and that's why he applied. Like it or not he was going to UA. 

Still... I don't know how Midoryia could have possibly gotten in? He was quirkless ever since we were kids. If only I stayed friends with him despite Katsuki and his fights I may have known...

My thoughts were interrupted as a brown haired girl enters and starts to talk to Midoriya I guess that's everyone in my class.

Suddenly a scary looking man with long hair appears at the door in a sleeping bag? He mumbles something about taking 8 seconds to shut up and then finally introduces himself.

"My names Shota Aizawa and I'm your homeroom teacher. Now get your PE clothes on and head to the PE ground." He then leaves probably heading to the PE grounds.

"What is going on," " I don't think I'll like this guy much," I hear a few kids mumble as they grab a PE kit.

We get changed, I wrap any exposed spots to avoid possible accidents and then we all head out to meet him at the grounds. 

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