Chapter 5: Presidency and disasters.

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As everyone enters the UA building a mass amount of press stands outside the gates. Everyone in class 1-A is getting swarmed. People are asking about the school and about AllMight teaching there. I roll my eyes as Katsuki storms in front of me shoving his way through the reporters. Though I stay close behind him because he is clearing a path. 

"Hey are you guys the Bakugo twins?" A reporter says to me and my brother as we walk by. I look at her strangely. I guess she must recognise Katsuki from the sludge villain incident and has put two and two together.

"Piss off, bitch!" My brother roars at her. I awkwardly laugh as she stands there astonished and completely flabbergasted, and rush off after him.

Stupid press can't they take the hint. None of us know anything about AllMight we just want to get to school.

In class:

"I've reviewed everyones battle trial." Mr Aizawa says to the class.

I sit staring out of the window not really paying him much attention. I'm still pissed off from yesterday. After we got home I had a massive argument with Katsuki. I tried to tell him that the battle trial didn't matter and that he needs to calm down and try to work out what he needs to do better. But that didn't go well, so we haven't spoken since last night. The walk and train ride to school was incredibly awkward and Katsuki's little moment in front of the reporters was really mortifying.

"Bakugo, stop acting like a toddler. Your behaviour yesterday was shameful," Mr Aizawa says, My head snaps towards the front, but I notice he isn't speaking to me. "And Midoryia planning on breaking your whole body again today?" He sneers.

"Anyways you've got to pick a class president and vice president. Now hurry up." He grabs his sleeping bag and sulks into the corner. Everyone flings their hands up wanting to be the class president, other than me and Todoroki. Iida suggests we do a vote and he writes everyones names on the board.

"Kaneko? Not taking part?" He asks me. I rest my hands behind my head and look at him, my classmates turn to look at me in surprise.

"Nah not really my thing," I laugh. Trying to get everyone to stop staring at me. A sense of awkwardness builds until a voice rings out. 

"Yeah nothings your thing Kaneko, other than getting into other people business." Katsuki suddenly sneers.

"What? Fuck off Katsuki, you're seriously still angry!" I ask standing up out of my seat and he does the same, glaring at each other.

"Yeah of course I'm still angry you bitch!" He shouts everyone is staring at us now in complete silence.

"Katsuki you're embarrassing, stop it! You're such a child." Say looking around around the room. Adverting my eyes from my brothers glare, I shouldn't get worked up. 

"NO! You know what's really embarrassing Kaneko. The fact you can't control your quirk. The fact no one has been able to touch you unless you're covered up with special material clothing since you were 4. The fact you almost failed the practical exam because you lost control and burnt things to the ground. TELL THEM SIS HOW MUCH SHIT HAVE YOU DESTROYED! YOU'RE A DANGER! YOU SHOULDN'T BECOME A HERO!" He screams exposing my secret to the whole class.

My heart hits the floor and I look at everyones shocked faces. I wipe all the emotion off my face and sink back down into my chair. Staring at my hands. Shame rising in my chest, Iida breaks the silence changing the subject and everyone continues the vote. I'm thankful for the attention being removed from me. Midoryia and Yaoyurozu are elected and the bell for lunch rings. I grab my stuff rushing out of the classroom. I can't face anyone right now. 

How am I supposed to make friends? They'll think I'll hurt them or burn the school down. 

Ugh who am I kidding I don't need any friends. Not any close ones anyways. All I need is to achieve my goal to find someone who can help me control this curse of a quirk I have.

I rush into one of the bathrooms and stare at myself in the mirror. I guess normal kids would cry at this point. Letting all of their emotions run wild, But my tears are colder than my skin is so if I cried they'd evaporate instantly.

I sigh and compose myself once again. Killing all feelings I had, I pull my hair out of their pleats and my long hair falls down my back, now I hope I don't draw as much attention to myself. I wrap my blazer tighter around my thin body and I leave the bathroom.

As I walk towards the lunchroom. Head down and quiet, I accidentally almost bump into a tall figure, Its Todoroki? We just stand awkwardly staring at each other. Both waiting for one of us to break the tension. 

"H-hey don't worry, my school clothes are specially commissioned, If I bumped into you you wouldn't burn." I say my hair covering my red face.

"Its okay, so is this what you were meaning yesterday? Is that why my ice doesn't work on you?" He asks me in his usual quiet, calming voice.

Finally plucking the courage to look at him again I raise my eyes. He isn't looking at me any differently. Normally when people find out they act more cautious around me. Like if they make me mad I'll reach out and turn them into ashes.

"Yeah that's right." I reply still watching him closely. 

"I-I was wondering, wanna grab some soba with me?" He asks randomly, stuttering a little. Is he nervous?

I laugh slightly my usual cheeky smile returning to my face, "Yeah okay," But just as we turn to enter the food hall together we hear a voice on the schools speakers.


I urgently look at Todoroki and before I ask him what the hell is going on we see a rush of students screaming and fleeing towards us. I gulp, and realise if someone or their clothes accidentally brushes against my face in the rush they'll burn.

"Todoroki my face, it's the one part of my body that's not wrapped." I didn't have to say much before it clicked and Todoroki understood.

The crowed looms ever closer and I suddenly feel someone grab my gloved hand. I'm being dragged away. My blonde hair whipping around me and I gaze forward to see the normally quite shy Todoroki taking charge and saving me from a potential disaster. My heart explodes in admiration and something else...

"If we want to avoid being squished in the crowd we'll have to be faster than them." I hear Todoroki say.

We take off, getting chased by the mob of students. I small smile appears on my face once again. It's like something out of a movie. The big climax when the love interest saves the protagonist from what seemed like inevitable danger.

The rush of footsteps suddenly stop. And we turn back to notice that everyone has stopped and is looking at something. I breathe a sigh of relief. 

"Thanks Todoroki," I say as he lets go of my hand. 

I think to myself as I study his face. That must have been hard for Todoroki, to hold my hand, he's not one for interacting with people.

"No problem," He says avoiding my eyes. My smile fades. 

"Oh guess we'll have to eat some other time." I say trying to lighten the strange tension that I feel building.

"Yeah." He replies in his usual flat tone and he turns and walks away from me. I wonder what's up with the sudden change in attitude? Perhaps he got overwhelmed...

Afternoon classes roll around and Midoryia decided to hand the president duties over to Iida because apparently he's the one who stopped the chaos that occurred in the food hall. 

It was still awkward between the whole class and me, I stayed quiet in my seat at the back and no one wanted to disturb me.

When it was time to go home Katsuki and I still never spoke. I don't expect him to apologise, he never has, so I just accepted what happened and moved on. At least there's no secrets between the class and I now... well except the fact I'm not at UA to just be a hero.

Flames : Todoroki x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt