Chapter 14: After the internships.

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The rest of the week I sat in the hospital in intense pain. Todoroki, Iida and Midoryia all got discharged as I sat alone and bored.

I cannot believe I missed out on training to control my quirk more. Endeavour visited me once and he assured me that I could practise on my own and that I would do just fine. He also told me he was proud that he had me in his agency and is looking forward to a time where I can intern again and learn lots more.

Though his words brought no peace to me, My sleepless nights were filled with how I failed to control may quirk and how I brought exhausting pain upon me. I've been so weak and had no comfort from anyone. Todoroki texted everyday expressing his upset that he couldn't be with me. I lied and said I was doing fine and he didn't have to worry. So he promised to try to find out more about his Fathers plan though I don't expect much. I'm still waiting from a text from Katsuki, I hope he's doing okay.

When I finally got released I was escorted by a private taxi payed by Endeavour back to school. I was advised to go straight home by the doctors but I can't miss anything. To I begged the taxi man to drive me to UA which he reluctantly agreed giving into my charm and desperation.

I told the private taxi to drop my bags full of clothes and stuff at my address and I grabbed my school bag and stumbled out. Stumbling inside and through the corridors I make it to my classroom. I wait outside for a moment.

I have to be strong. Even if my body is weak.

I open the door and everyone turns their heads to look at me. I catch Todoroki's eye. He's stunned at the fact I am here.

"Kan?" Katsuki shouts and rushes towards me.

"Kaachan..." I mumble and look at him strangely. He looks way different.

"What are you doing here. Mum told me everything you are supposed to be at home dumbass!" He grumbles at me. I'm still looking at him strangely.

"What the fuck is wrong with your hair..." I tease everyone laughs and he shakes it angrily returning it to normal.

"Also if you knew why didn't you text me." I slap his arm with my gloved hand. He winces and glares at me.

"I couldn't, didn't have time." He mutters embarrassed. I laugh and walk to my seat. I try not to fall over, seeing as I'm feeling dizzy. I have to put on a brave face. Even though my heads spinning and my red eyes dead.

Iida and Midoryia approach me and Todoroki turns to his left to speak to me.

"Kaneko are you..." Midoryia starts.

"No. Please if I think about it, I'll be sick." I grumble rubbing my eyes groggily.

A few of our classmates come over and start to talk about the incident. Todoroki explains roughly what happened and told everyone that Endeavour saved us all.

"Well Hero Killer Stain is quite cool don't you think?" Kaminari tells us though was stopped immediately.


"Oh sorry Iida," He apologises. I look at him. How could he be so obviously stupid. I groan and place my head on the desk. Resting on my hands of course not the desk itself.

"Kaneko? Whats up with you? Obviously you were injured Todoroki told us that right now, but you're doing okay right?"

"Yep," I lie head still down. Iida urges us to take our seats because class is starting and everyone sits down.

AllMight enters and starts speaking. Congratulating everyone on their good work at the internships.

"Kaneko?! What are you doing here! We have been informed to not let you in." He suddenly shouts and I raise my head. Face pale.

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