Chapter 23: A single fist.

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Thinking about my decision. Thinking about all the people that would be effected by each choice. I ended up realising that no matter how hard I tried, my mind would always consider how he would cope. How he would feel. Now if I don't make it out of here alive I'm ashamed to say I wouldn't have any regrets. I told him how I truly felt and even if that spiralled us into a utter state of confusion and hatred then that's how it was meant to happen- though if I don't make it out alive I would do anything to hear him say he loves me back.

"I'm sorry.." I soft smile crept upon my face.

"I'm sorry but being a villain just ain't for me." The villains faces twist into a state of confusion and anger.

"IT AIN'T FOR ME EITHER YOU BASTARDS!" Katsuki lunges forward setting off a large explosion sending the hand that covers Shigaraki's face flying.

"Yeah I might wanna win and be the best and Kaneko just wants her life- but we want to do it like All Might would. NOT LIKE SOME DUMBASS VILLAINS!"

I through the commotion I look at Dabi. His face all scarred and burned.

"You really thought I was like you huh? Perhaps I am deep down. But I chose to ignore the feelings of hate and anger.. plus I have something I love to get back too." I whisper only too him a pitiful look on my face.

"I'm disappointed in you children," Shigaraki grumbles.

Katsuki grabs my gloved hand and pulls me behind him using himself as a protective shield between the villains and I.

"You wouldn't kill us, we're too important so I guess I have to take you down myself- Kaneko stay calm I don't want you accidentally killing us both." He shouts. His hands at the ready.

"M-master!" Shigaraki suddenly calls and the villains gasp.

"H-huh? W-what's going on?" I say glaring hard at them.

There's a knock at the door and everyone jumps, Twice goes to open the door and the wall behind Katsuki and I bursts open. It's..



Kamui Woods sweeps in behind him and apprehended all the villains. Dabi making a desperate attempt to escape tries to burn the restraints but a small old man flys inside and knocks him out cold. I held in my laugh- that's what that manipulator gets.

"Twice, Toga, Kirigiri, Dabi, Mr Compress and Tomura Shigaraki. Villains. Never underestimate us heroes."

"Where's All For One?!" The old man says and the room goes quiet except for the portal villain Kirigiri's head hitting the table as he becomes unconscious.

Who's All for One? What is going on here. How did the heroes find us.

The silence didn't last as disgusting brown-green blobs appear in the air with NOMU? Appearing from them. I suddenly feel pressure upon my head and my ability to breathe goes. I feels as if I'm drowning in a sea of darkness and I panic. WHAT IS GOING ON?

I then reappear into the world gasping for breath on my knees in what seems to be a massive car park or an abandoned space outside of where I was held by the villains.

"Katsuki!" I shout as I notice my brother lying beside me slowly standing to his feet, and the rest of the villains lie gasping for breath as I did.

"Kaneko." He hauls me to my feet after getting up himself and we stand looking at a shadowy figure.

"Shigaraki get too your feet and grab the children." He shouts and a blast from the sky hits the ground. All Might is here.

"Kaneko. His power. He must be the strongest villain..." Katsuki tells me and I stand staring at the villain I figured must be 'master'- All for One.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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