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it was such a long drive and before I knew it, I had drifted to sleep. 

I suddenly wake up in this bed. I quickly get up and realize it's Mikey's room. I slowly sit up and look around his room as I observe all the awards and photos of him and his teammates. In these photos, he seems like such a nice guy, but he's not. What do these girls see in him, he's an asshole. 

I walk up to his wall of photos and observe each one. I noticed that there was this girl in a lot of these photos. I wonder who she is? She had long wavy hair and big brown eyes. Maybe it's Mikey's older sister. She was so pretty, and in the majority of the photos, Mikey and she were really close. I look over and see a name signed at the bottom of the sheet. 'Mikey & Deja 4 Life'. I guess her name is Deja. I look at Mikey's closet and see a drawer that's half-open, I look inside and see photos of him and another girl. I guess Mikey's that type of guy. This girl wasn't pretty, she was GORGEOUS! I would die to look like her. I flip the photo around and see '2015: Serenity & Mikey'. If Serenity is his ex-girlfriend then who is Deja?

"Hey so you looking around?" I hear a deep voice ask as I quickly put away what I was looking at. 

"Yeah, nice room,"

"Thanks," he says as he kisses my cheek.

"Hey! Wait a sec, when did this happen? Last time I remember I hate your guts!" I say as I push him away from me. "So why am I here?" I ask as I sit on his bed.

"Well... I'm guessing you saw the photos of me and my girlfriend,"

"You have a girlfriend and you're making moves on me?" I yell in his face.

"Calm down, she's my ex and I brought you here to ask you a question,"

"Which is?"

"Will you be my fake girlfriend?"

The Other Girl (Mikey Williams)Where stories live. Discover now