"I am enjoying myself. It is an adult beverage, but it's Mama's adult beverage. I'm just holding it while she dances with Kookie," Taehyung finally answered, rather harshly. He stared straight ahead at his mother and Jungkook as if uninterested in what the nurse had to say. He was trying not to make eye contact with Hyungwon because of the stigma that hung in the air about tonight. He wasn't sure who his father was going to announce as his fiancé, but if it was Hyungwon, he was going to refuse in front of everyone.

Hyungwon chuckled as he stepped closer to Taehyung. "You know, you don't have to act so bristled towards me. I promise I won't do anything to jeopardize your night," Hyungwon noted softly as Taehyung finally turned towards him. Taehyung eyed him up and down to try and detect any hint of a lie within his statement before sighing. "Fine, I'll try to be kinder," Taehyung answered softly, watching as Jungkook and his mother had fun dancing. He smiled softly to himself as Hyungwon moved a little closer to Taehyung and plucked the champagne glass out of Taehyung's hand. "Let me get you a more suitable drink, okay? I'll hold onto this for your mother," Hyungwon insisted, walking over towards the punch bowl.

Taehyung sighed as he turned back towards his mother and fiancé dancing, unaware that Hyungwon dropped something white and powdery into his drink. Hyungwon waited for the fizz to die down some before he walked back over towards Taehyung with the cup extended towards the younger. "Here you go," Hyungwon announced, handing the glass over to Taehyung. Taehyung nodded his thanks, not really paying attention to Hyungwon as he took a sip from his cup. "Mm, who made the punch this year? It tastes off," Taehyung announced with a bitter look as Hyungwon took a sip from his own cup. "It doesn't taste off to me," Hyungwon acknowledged, hoping that would get Taehyung to continue drinking the drugged drink.

Taehyung shrugged at how he could think that it was any different as he took another sip. He cringed slightly from the chalky taste of the punch and figured that the punch wasn't mixed well enough as he continued to drink it. Before long, Hyungwon asked if Taehyung wanted another drink because his face was looking flushed. Taehyung fanned himself, realizing that he was getting rather hot inside of the ballroom as he leaned back against the table. He glanced over at Hyungwon with glassy eyes, nodding at his question for another drink. Although he was unable to answer from how dry his mouth felt to him. He was progressing into feeling an insatiable thirst. For what? He did not know, but he was hoping that another drink would calm the intense heat building within his body.

Again, Hyungwon dropped the same powdery substance into Taehyung's drink before handing him the second one. Taehyung accepted the drink with grace and dignity, although he was starting to feel like he was trapped in an oven. This time, he did not question the taste as he hastily consumed his drink. He elegantly placed the cup down on the refreshment table, still feeling that intense heat creeping up into his face now. He panted softly as Hyungwon watched him tilt his head back onto his shoulders. An expression of sin etched into his features as he side glanced Hyungwon. "A- another drink please," Taehyung requested as Hyungwon silently nodded and grabbed his cup.

Hyungwon was finding it difficult to remain focused on drugging Taehyung's third beverage with the latter exuding sex appeal from across the table. Even if it wasn't directed at anyone in particular right now, the amount of heat emitting off Taehyung's body was making it hard to swallow or breathe. He managed to slip the last of the white powdered substance into this drink, handing it to Taehyung. "Is everything okay?" Hyungwon asked, trying not to seem too suspicious to Taehyung. Taehyung nodded without really paying attention to Hyungwon and hastily consumed this drink as well before pushing his body off the table. He appeared as if he was going to approach Jungkook dancing with his mother, but his unstable feet gave out from under him and he crashed into Hyungwon's arms.

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