Chapter 22

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Yoongi was in front of Jungkook's school, waiting for him to come out so he can take him home.

Spring was wrapping itself up on the final full month before transitioning to summer in the next one. All the flowers had finished blooming, the leaves finished growing, and the bears finished hibernating. Now the sun will begin to make the Earth warmer, and Yoongi waited with open arms.

When the clock stricked 15:18, he saw students walk out of the school building in multiple directions. He didn't see Jungkook anywhere. They'd always meet at the same place; behind the parking lot on top of the slope that looked down at the front of the school. He could've been held back by the results of the art contest today.

It was the first time he ever partook in one. He wanted to ever since, Yoongi thinks, was third grade. Every year, Soosoo would constantly torment him into doing it, only for him to say he would, but end up not going at all. This year was the first time Yoongi ever encouraged him into going as well. It was the last year he would ever have this opportunity, why not try it?

"Whether win or lose, it doesn't matter as long as you try." He remembers himself saying. "It doesn't change anything between us. In any way, it may make it better."

Yoongi smiled at the memory.

"Hyung! Hyung!"

Jungkook ran up to him with a smile on his face. Yoongi smiled back as both of them met in a hug, making him stumble back and laugh at his own clumsiness.

"Hey, Kooks." Yoongi said right before they parted. "How was school today?"

"It was good. And-" Yoongi began ruffling his hair. "Hyung~ Stop~!"

He put his hand down, and both of them began walking down the sidewalk. They started walking together when Yoongi was in high school. Memories that Yoongi never wanted to forget were made down this same route. He had purposely made his schedule so that these walks would still happen, even though he's now in college. Again, on Jungkook's command.

"So, did you win the contest?"

Jungkook's smile faultered as he looked down. Yoongi knew what that meant, but still wanted him to admit it verbally, and looked at him with curiosity and doubt. "Did you?"

A sob replaced the word he wanted to hear.

Just as Jungkook put a hand on his face, Yoongi wrapped his arm around him and pulled him to his side. It was heartbreaking to hear him cry, every time. Especially now that Yoongi had a stronger reason to blame himself, as even he had high hopes of him succeeding. But he decided to ignore it for the sake of his brother's emotions. It wasn't the time for him to throw a pity party, and it never will be.

"I... wasn't even up there." Jungkook admitted, stopping at the start for a sob.  "Not even in h-honorable mention."

Yoongi hugged Jungkook tighter for a second before relaxing his grip again.

"I'm sorry." Jungkook said in a hoarse whisper. "This was the first time you ever encouraged me to try it out, and I let you down."

Yoongi made them stop walking. Jungkook was avoiding his gaze. He didn't do anything about it, knowing that that's where he found most comfort at the moment. Still, he wished for him to look at him. Though, if that was granted, it would most likely make Jungkook uncomfortable. After telling himself that, he felt stupid for wishing for someone else's uncomfort.

"Remember what I told you before?" Yoongi asked him, sliding his palm behind his shoulder. "When you were so torn on whether you should or shouldn't attempt it?"

He awaited the answer that Jungkook didn't give. Yoongi had a feeling it wasn't because he forgot, but because now that he remembers, he regrets apologizing. He could tell since he was now trembling. Holding back tears. Yoongi let him take his time to reply, not wanting to fill the blanks for something he assigned.

"That even if I lost... you guys would still b-be there for me."

That's what restarted everything. From Jungkook's cries to Yoongi's hug. The only change was that the page was now filled, and that made all the difference.

"We all had hope for you since we knew you tried your best." Yoongi told him. "And like I said before, it does nothing but make us stronger. That includes you too. So don't stuff words in my mouth that I don't like."

Jungkook laughed at that, making Yoongi smile.

"What about Soosoo noona?" Jungkook asked. "She's been saying that ever since she knew I wanted to do it."

"She won't care." He told him. "Knowing her, she'll probably belt out some High School Musical song."

Jungkook couldn't help but giggle. "Good point."

Yoongi patted him on the back. "Seeing you do your best, whether win or loose, deserves a metal made out of desert rose."

"Hyung, you're rock phase is coming back again."

"Doesn't change the fact that it's true."

Jungkook looked at him with a smile mixed with warmth and innocence. His eyes were still glossy, yet somehow it made it all so much better. Yoongi was proud of him; so much so that it'll take him forever to explain why. No matter what he did, if it had good intentions, Yoongi would still accept him with open arms and a smile just as warm as the one he's seeing right that moment.

Jungkook hugged him. "I love you so much, hyung."

"Love you too, Kooks."

Jungkook let go right after he heard that, giving him a grateful smile. Yoongi gave him a similar one and grabbed his hand.

"Alright, kiddo. Let's get you home."


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