Chapter 13

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The sky was a clear blue on Tuesday after days of cloudy and rainy weather. This meant that more people have been going outside to enjoy the warmth while it lasted before the cloudy skies returned.

The coffee shop was as endearing as ever. Like before, not many people had shown up. They were the same people that had come in all the days before.

Taehyung was at the front that day. Only him. Hoseok didn't have any shifts on Tuesday, Namjoon had the night shift, Seokjin had to take Hoseok's job of checking supplies, and Jimin's shift was from 08:00 to 12:00. It was around 15:50.

But the person who showed up the least, no matter how much he wanted him to, was Jungkook. And he knew Jimin agreed with him.

Living without Jungkook for four days was like sleeping without a pillow. The moment he got comfortable it was suddenly gone. His life didn't revolve around him, but he was worried that something had happened.

Ten minutes were left in his shift. Four hours of expectation that today would be the day he (or Yoongi) would walk in. But nothing.

Taehyung wished that he could stay longer, but he had schoolwork he needed to finish. Having a full time job wouldn't work with the schedule of his school. Because of this, he used the rest of the minutes he had doodling on one of the coffee sleeves.

Then he heard the bell dingle along with a door open. Taehyung looked up to see who it was and saw Yoongi and Jungkook walk through the door. His eyes had brightened up and he gave them a smile to fit what they read.

"Hey Jungkookie!" Taehyung greeted once they had gotten to the front. "Hello Yoongi hyung. What can I get you both?"

"A small coffee with cream and a chocolate chip cookie." Yoongi ordered. "And please don't call me 'hyung'."

Taehyung nodded, his smile falling. Yoongi's eyes were as demeaning as the first time he saw them, fixated on Taehyung and then to the back room door. Jungkook's eyes had been fixed on the countertop as he stared off into space. Sometimes, Taehyung couldn't believe they were siblings.

Deciding to break away from his thoughts before he began to daydream, Taehyung smiled again when realizing it went away. "Would you like them to go?"

Yoongi's gaze went back to Taehyung, this time less intimidating. "No."

"Alrighty then!" Taehyung exclaimed before checking the total on the register. "That'll be 7,950 won."

Yoongi nodded and took out his wallet. Jungkook leaned over to him and whispered something that Taehyung couldn't hear through the air in his voice. When Jungkook shifted away from him, Yoongi shook his head and finished paying by sliding the money to Taehyung.

After checking the amount, Taehyung nodded and put the cash in the register. He gave the customers a thumbs up and turned around to start working on the order.

He finished up by putting the cookie into a white paper baggy and placing it and the coffee in front of the customers.

"Have a great day!" Taehyung told them. "Especially you, Kookie."

Jungkook blushed and scrunched his lips to try and have it go away.

Yoongi looked at Taehyung with a hard stare. "Tsk."

Taehyung waved to them with a smile. He knew it wouldn't be worth asking Jungkook what had happened that made him vanish for such a long time. Maybe something personal happened that he's too scared to explain, or he simply forgot about this place existing. No matter how much it hurt Taehyung's heart to think that, he knew it was the most realistic option. No matter how much he wants to think of other possibilities, none of them are on the same pedestal as honesty.

Well, he doesn't know if that's really the reason. Taehyung savored the thought.

Only Jungkook left. Yoongi stayed, which confused Taehyung. He assumed it would be the other way around.

Yoongi's eyes began to wander over to the backdoor once again, leaning against his arm resting on the countertop.

Taehyung bit his lip and looked in that direction as well. "...Do you need anything else?" He looked back at the customer and smiled as if he just broke a rule.

Yoongi shook his head and straightened his posture. "I was wondering, do you know anything about Seokjin-ssi?"

Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Um, s-say that again, please." He couldn't help but stutter.

"Seokjin. Do you know something about him and Namjoon?" Yoongi repeated. Now it sounded more like a demand than a question.

"Uh, I..." Taehyung started, "How do you know him?"

Impatience was starting to kick in. Yoongi knew he asked the wrong person. "Remember Sunday when he and I had an argument?"

It took a moment of silence, but Taehyung soon ticked his head up with wider eyes and snapped his fingers. "Oh yeah! Why do you need to know anything about him?"

"Just because..." Yoongi tried to find a way to reply. Maybe it wasn't right to even ask. "I want to make sure that this hasn't been happening for a long time."

"What?" Taehyung asked with a small frown. "I don't know what you mean."

"What had happened on Sunday." Yoongi explained, "Has it been happening for a long time?"

Taehyung shook his head. That didn't mean he was no longer confused. Though, he began to get suspicious.

"I don't get why you're so interested." Taehyung told him. "This shouldn't matter to you."

Yoongi bit his lip. He was right. It wasn't a good thing to ask.

"I know." Yoongi said as he grabbed his coffee. "Have a great day as well."

Then he left, making Taehyung confused as his shift ended five minutes late.


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