Chapter 4

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🌀ᴍɪxᴇᴅ ғᴇᴇʟɪɴɢs🌀

Today is Tuesday, which is just a copy of Monday. Except it's raining all day today, which is expected when it's spring.

Not as many people came due to the rain since nobody really wanted to go out that day. Namjoon enjoyed the sounds of the rain though, and kept getting distracted by it. A single drop can have so many meanings, a beautiful thing only nature can create so perfectly.

As it was getting closer to the cafe's closing time, Namjoon took more time to listen to the rain. Taehyung, Jimin, and Hoseok had left since their shifts ended. The cafe officially closes at 22:00, which is quite late for a cafe. It was 21:00. Seokjin stayed so he could clean for Namjoon when the cafe closed so the other could leave earlier. He just stayed in the back until the cafe closed.

Namjoon's schedule is different every day of the week. Today he had the night shift, which lasted from 18:00 to 22:00. Average for a part time job.

Suddenly, Namjoon heard the door open to let a person walk into the abandoned shop. The sound of the rain became louder before the door closed along with the person's umbrella. He looked to see who was there and saw the person was Yoongi. He hung his umbrella on the coat hanger by the door and made his way to the ordering counter.

"You seem to be coming frequently." Namjoon told him with a smile.

"Yeah. And?" The voice was as chilled as it was yesterday, except the signs of anger and frustration were missing.

"Would you like what you always get?" Namjoon asked. Yoongi nodded, already grabbing his wallet from his pocket. "It's pretty late. Are you sure you want coffee?"

"Well, I can, so yeah. I'm sure I want it." Yoongi replied, giving Namjoon the money. Namjoon went over to the register and put the money in.

"You can go sit at a table, I'll get you're drink ready in a moment." Namjoon told him before turning around and working on the coffee.

Yoongi went over to the same table as always and took a seat. There weren't any customers, leaving him alone with his thoughts, the rain, and the sounds of the coffee machine.

Namjoon finished the coffee once again, putting the perfect amount of cream which gave it a sweeter flavor, as always. He put it on the tray and went over to give the older his drink.

"Here's your order." Namjoon said as he placed the cup down in front of Yoongi, who just got back out of space. "Is that all you'd like?"

"Mmm, yeah." Yoongi replied. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." Namjoon smiled. He then suddenly asked, "Did Taehyung and Jimin scare off Jungkook?"

The older raised an eyebrow at him, who was waiting for an answer to his question. Yoongi sighed.

"School's been keeping him busy." Yoongi simply replied. Namjoon nodded and left Yoongi alone, assuming he's already bothered the boy enough.

The rest of the night was just silence until Namjoon flipped the sign to closed.


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