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A/N: 4k??? what?! thank you 🥺


"Y/n, when are you ever going to fall in love?" your friend, Jisoo, suddenly asked from across the lunch table. You snapped your head towards her direction and snorted.

"Fall in love?" you laughed, stabbing your salad with a fork.

"Why would I do that? That's so dumb."

Jisoo frowned while you took a bite of your salad. The cafeteria was bustling with noises as students met up with their friends to eat. You and Jisoo were sitting at a table when she suddenly brought up then topic of crushes.

"It's not dumb," she argued, a pout forming on her lips. "Don't you want to know what it feels like? Finding someone who makes you want to get up early and dress nicely? To get their attention? Someone who makes you look forward to your day?"

You looked at her as if she grew another head. "And why would I want to do that?"

Of course, this was nothing new. Jisoo has always been a hopeless romantic since the day you met her. She dreamed of romance while you happily dreamed about being a businesswoman. The both if you had very different viewpoints on love.

"I don't need someone to do any of that," you said. "I'll look pretty for no one but myself. And I do have something to look forward to," you smiled, pulling out your phone.

You faced the screen forward, revealing the wallpaper of your lockscreen: Ateez's Wooyoung. Jisoo gave you a flat look as you dreamily looked at the image. "They're having a concert soon," you cooed, placing the phone to your heart. "I can't wait to see my baby."

Jisoo gave you a flat look. "Y/n, he's not real. At least, not to us."

Immediately you let out a gasp, widening your eyes in horror. "How dare you! He is very much real," you scoffed.

"You know, in my dreams."

Jisoo eyed you before letting out a sigh. "I'm just saying you should try to live your life as a normal teenager for once," she shrugged. "Before it's too late. All you ever do is stick your nose in textbooks and study for hours on end."

"That's not true," you scowled, though your voice didn't sound too convincing. You were the vice president at school and you made sure to maintain your grades at the same time. It was your final year and you had to be extra careful not to slack off to get into X University. It's been your dream school ever since you were little. You would do anything to get in, even sacrificing your social life.

Once the bell rang, you visited your locker before heading off to your next period class. Ms. Kim, your teacher, greeted you with a smile. "Y/n, just in time," she said. "Can you do me a favour?"

"Of course," you automatically grinned. You were used to teachers giving you tasks. After all, you were the trusty vice president.

"Once the lesson is over, can you carry this to the library?" she waved over to a box filled with books next to her desk. "It's a bit heavy, so you might need a friend to help you out."

"Sure thing."

She gaved you another smile before you walked over to your seat. As you walked, you eyes glanced over to the boy seated next to it, who was already watching you with a bright smile. You scowled immediately.

"Hey, Vice Pres," Jaemin beamed, his eyes forming into little rainbows on his face.

You narrowed your eyes at him. It was a shame how someone so annoying could have such an innocent smile. Ever since Jaemin was assigned to the seat next to yours, he wouldn't stop pestering you. You ignored him as you slipped into your seat.

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