↳ doodles

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A/N: Hi guys! This time I'm writing in Jaemin's POV. Hope you enjoy! x


There was something about you that always drew in Jaemin's attention.

You could simply be reading a book or talking to a friend, and Jaemin's eyes would always wander to to you, fixing onto every little detail about you.

Jaemin was already quite popular in school for his looks and talent. He never had a problem making friends or plans; they always just seem to come to him.

Which is why he hadn't noticed someone like you until a few days ago.

Jaemin was walking down the hallway when he noticed a couple girls huddled together in the corner. He didn't think much of it until he glanced over to see you in the middle. The girls shoved a box into your hands, snickering amongst themselves as they told you to take it to the office for them. It was clear that it was their job that they forcing you to do.

Jaemin expected you to speak up, wondering how you would reply. Will you become angry? Will you cuss at them?

To his surprise, the corner of your lips turned up into a smile instead. You nodded before scurrying off to the office.

Ever since then, the look on your face remained in Jaemin's head. He wondered why you were so happy when you should have really been upset to do someone else's job.

Soon, he would try to spot you in his classes. He wanted to figure out what kind of person you were. 

Jaemin noticed that you would often tuck your hair behind your ears when you were nervous, and that your eyes would flutter everywhere- much like a child exploring a playroom.

You often rolled up the sleeves of your uniform shirt, exposing your forearms, and left your skirt longer than most girls would. Your socks were always mismatched and your hair was almost always tied into a ponytail. Stray strands of hair would eventually escape and frame your  face, giving you a disheveled look.

Jaemin would often see you get teased by your friends for always studying and never 'having fun'. Their idea of having a good time was partying and playing pranks- something Jaemin would do with his  own friends.

But when you were invited, you would politely turn them down with a smile and go back to writing notes in your notebook. Your brows would furrow and your lips would be pursued together in concentration.

Cute, Jaemin would find himself thinking.

"Dude, you won't believe what Jisung did!" Chenle began marching to his desk right that instant.

"Remember that noona from the other day? The one who offered to tutor him? Well he-"

Chenle noticed that Jaemin wasn't paying attention at all to what he was saying. "Oi, Jaemin," he waved his hand in front of Jaemin's face, who didn't even flinch.

"Jaemin. Jaeminnie. Pabo."

Nothing worked. Chenle was started to get annoyed. What was wrong with Jaemin? Usually he would love to hear all about Jisung's love life, but what could possibly be more interesting than that?

It was then when Chenle followed Jaemin's eyes and figured out what, or rather who, he was looking at.

His eyes bulged out from their sockets.

"Why are you staring at y/n?" Chenle said aloud.

The entire class went silent. Jaemin's head finally whipped over to Chenle, glaring at him with murderous eyes. They looked back to see you looking over to them, a look of surprise written all over your face.

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