↳ queen of broken hearts

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A/n: I wasn't going to update THIS soon, but since it's going to be quite a busy week for me (university sucks) I thought I'd pump out another one-shot.

This one is written in third person but it focuses more on Jaemin's pov. I was also listening to "queen of broken hearts" by blackbear while writing this, hence the title!


Jaemin sat in the lecture hall, feeling blue. He didn't really know the reason why- was it because of the gray weather? Or because he had to wake up early to attend this lecture? 

Maybe all of the above, he concluded.

With his elbow propped on the armrest of his seat, he rested his chin in the palm of his hand and following along the powerpoint slides. He let out a yawn as the professor went on and on about god-knows-what.

Jaemin wasn't much of a note-taker. He had a knack for learning just by listening. His grades were standing well and he didn't have to even try that hard.

How boring, he found himself thinking. The students around him were rushing to write down every word that slipped out the professor's mouth, their eyes and hands darting from their laptops to papers. His brows furrowed as he examined them.

Jaemin couldn't understand why they were in such a rush. What was the point? It just seemed like a waste of time. 

Then again, Jaemin had never experienced having to work for something he needed. It always just came to him.

Suddenly, you pushed past the doors to the lecture hall, causing everyone's attention to turn to you. By the way you moved, Jaemin could tell you were trying your best to not make a sound.

Unfortunately, you weren't too great at that. "Sorry!" you squeaked, moving up the stairs and into the nearest empty seat you could find.

Jaemin suddenly sat up in his chair, straightening his back as he tried to get a better look at you. Your hair fell down her back, strays strands everywhere from the wind outside. He watched as you attempted to pat down and comb through your hair with your fingers, your cheeks still glowing red.

She hasn't changed at all, Jaemin thought, softly chuckling to himself.

You and Jaemin knew each other since high school. In fact, the two of you were really good friends. You pretty much did everything together. Along the way, however, it seems that Jaemin somehow developed feelings for you. 

He had everything; the grades, the looks, the talent, you name it. But somehow, he didn't have the confidence to confess to you. 

You were oblivious to his feelings. During your final year of high school, you managed to snag yourself a boyfriend and naturally drifted apart from Jaemin. After graduating, you hadn't kept in touch, leaving Jaemin all by himself.

Jaemin would be lying if he said he didn't think about you ever since. He had thought of confessing numerous times in the past, but he didn't want to ruin the friendship the both of you already had.

That is, until some guy walked into your life and swept you off your feet.

You had always been quite popular among boys, but never once gave them the time of day. Boys are a hassle, you always use to say.

Which was why it was quite a shock when you suddenly began to date your neighbour, Chan. Jaemin had met Chan a few times while coming over to your house, but was completely unaware at the growing proximity between you and your neighbour. The thought of you being interested in someone hadn't occurred to Jaemin at all, let alone Chan.

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