↳ grounded

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A/N: This is  short one, kinda of started writing on a whim (also dream-inspired but I switched the person to Jaemin lol). It's kind of all over the place but bare with me.


"What's all this?" You asked as you approached a little area on the hillside of the park. Jaemin looked back over his shoulder and flashed a grin.

"A surprise."

You gasped when he finally revealed what was there. Laid out in front of you was a blanket with a little basket set in the middle. On either side was a pillow and a few cozy blankets for the both of you, not to mention a small cooler and mini speakers to play music through.

"No way," You exclaimed, a smile from growing on your face. "Jaemin, are you serious? This is so cute!"

Jaemin's smile seemed to widen at that. "I knew you'd like it," he grinned triumphantly.

He gestured for you to take a seat while he sat opposite from you. Still in awe, you couldn't help but gawk at him as he began to pull out the contents of the basket. "You made those?" You pointed to the little sandwiches he held. Jaemin's lips pulled to the side in a half-grin.

"Well, Chenle helped me make them," he sheepishly admitted.

"But the idea? All mine."

He then continued to bring out little side snacks like cut-up fruits and chips. When he almost dropped one of them, you snapped out of my daze and began to help. "Wait," you began, your thoughts racing as you arranged the platters.

"What's all this for? I mean, today isn't anything special..." You began to panic as the words left your mouth.

"...Is it?"

Jaemin laughed as he sat up in a more comfortable position. "I just thought it would be nice. The weather is great and everything," He then looked at you and his eyes softened just enough for you to notice.

"Plus, you've been so stressed over the last few days. I felt like you needed a break from everything."

Your heart melted at his words. Since a week ago, things have been rough at home. Your family was going through some financial problems, and although your parents told you not to worry, you couldn't help it. Or rather, it felt like you didn't have a choice. Exams were just around the corner but it was hard to concentrate when an argument would break out between them almost every hour.

Jaemin was your best friend, so you often ranted to him about how you were feeling. But for him to do something like this for you? You didn't deserve him.

"So your idea of a 'break' is a picnic?" you giggled. You watched as his cheeks flushed with pink.

"Well, you always said you wanted to have one," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

You felt your heart begin to race as the memory came flooding back to you. You once had a conversation with your friends on what you would do if you had a whole day to yourselves. "A picnic," you had said dreamily. "One by a park where I can watch the sunset."

Everyone thought it was lame, pitching in their own ideas of going to a concert or partying. Jaemin was the only one who hadn't commented on your answer. The fact that he even remembered made your chest warm.

"Jaemin, this is really sweet of you," You said smiling up at him, "Thank you."

Jaemin's eyes flickered up to meet yours, a warm smile spreading on his lips. The two of you then began to eat, munching and talking about whatever came to mind. It felt like time passed by way too fast when you were together. At one point, you both playfully fought over who would play their music on the speakers. In the end, Jaemin won. But when he pulled out his phone and connected it to the speakers, a familiar song began to play in the air.

You turned back to look at him. This was your favourite song, and he knew that. Jaemin wasn't facing you but a knowing smile played on his lips as he shifted himself to sit next to you.

Jaemin has sat beside you plenty of times before, but this time it felt different. For some reason, you felt a certain giddiness inside.

Were you getting butterflies...?

You shook your head at the thought. There was no way you were getting butterflies from your best friend.


Soon, Jaemin started to hum along to the lyrics and eventually began to softly sing. You mesmerized at how pretty his voice was, though you didn't dare say a word. You were afraid he would stop if you pointed it out, so you silently listened. You then found yourself joining in with him. You weren't much of a singer, but the way Jaemin smiled was enough for you to not care about what you sounded like.

The sun began to set and the sky was painted with beautiful shades of pink and orange. Your shoulder was pressed against Jaemin's as you gathered your legs to your chest. Today made you more happier  than anything in the world. It's exactly what you needed after going through a rollercoaster of emotions, and Jaemin made that possible for you. I was so grateful to have him by your side.

But what happens when he's gone?

The thought hit you like a truck. What was going to happen when Jaemin was no longer your friend? You were both only in high school. Soon you'll be applying to college and might even part ways from there.

The idea of losing your best friend scared you so much that your chest began to ache.

"Jaemin," you suddenly said. You could feel his gaze on the side of your face.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

You took a deep breath in, staring at the sky before  you locked eyes with him. He had such warm brown eyes. "Will you always be my friend?" You asked nervously.

His brows furrowed together in confusion. A small smile appeared on his lips as he spoke, "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"

When your expression didn't change, he nudged you gently with his shoulder. "What's wrong, y/n?"

You watched as his eyes began to fill with concern, making your heart warm. There truly was no one like Jaemin.

You shook your head, "Nothing. I was just overthinking."

"About what?" he questioned.

"It's stupid," You chuckled. "Don't worry. Just know that I'm really, really thankful to have you as my best friend." You offered him a smile, to which he returned. He didn't inquire you any further, which you appreciated.

Without a second thought, you turned back to face  the sky and laid your head down on his shoulder. You felt his body tense as you did, but slowly began to relax and adjusted himself into comfort. This made you smile.

All you needed was Jaemin, and everything seemed to be okay for once.

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