↳ remember

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Luck was never on your side. At least, that's what you always thought to yourself. Life always seemed to be cruel to you, even when things seemed to be okay.

After attending your evening lectures, you and your friend, Nina, decided to go hang out at the bar for a bit. Normally you would have objected, but it was a Friday, so you decided to spend the rest of the day to relax and have some fun. Even if it wasn't exactly your idea of having fun.

Alcohol was never good to you, so you settled for a glass of cola while your friend drank. You couldn't help but laugh hysterically at the things Nina was saying- she never failed to make you smile. Everything seemed to be going perfectly well when suddenly, Nina leaned back in her seat and squinted at behind you.

"Oh," she gasped. "Is that Lee Jeno? And-"

Her eyes widened. "Na Jaemin?"

The mention of his name instantly cause your whole body to freeze. "What?" you whispered as your heart began to race.

"It really is him," Nina exclaimed, completely oblivious to the distressed look on your face. She then proceeded to raise her hand in the air, waving frantically. "Oi! Jeno! Jaemin!"

"What are you doing?" you hissed, grabbing Nina's sleeve in an attempt to pull her hand down. She looked down at you, frowning.

"It's just Jaemin," she shook her head at you. "Remember? From high school. Weren't you two really close?"

More like the opposite, you wanted to answer. But before you could utter another word, Jeno suddenly appeard next to Nina along with Jaemin. You forced yourself to look away quickly, not wanting to draw any attention to yourself.

Of course, Nina wouldn't allow that to happen.

"Nina! It's been so long," Jeno grinned. "Do you mind if we take a seat?"

"Of course," she chirped, smiling dreamily up at the boy. You couldn't help but roll your eyes at how sweet her voice became- Nina had the tendency to turn her charm on when good-looking boys were around. You stared ahead, letting your hair curtain your face as they spoke.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Nina began, initiating a conversation. She had always been the social butterfly of your group, making new friends left and right. It was something she was known for since high school.

"We go to xxx university, just down the street," Jeno explained. "We usually stop by here when we need to take a break."

There was a quick pause before he continued, "Are you here alone?"

Please, no, you thought. Your grip on your cup tightened as you shut your eyes. You could hear Nina shift in her seat before making a funny sound in the back of her throat. "Alone? Pfft, no! I'm here with y/n!"

You felt Nina grab your arm, compelling you to turn around. Before you could even react, your heart jumped into your throat as your eyes landed on Jaemin, who by surprise, was already looking at you.

Even while being in shock and despair, you couldn't help but notice how attractive Jaemin looked. He was wearing a simple white tee layered underneath a button-up shirt. His hair was disheveled, giving him a boyish look. You hated that he hadn't changed at all since high school in terms of his looks- he was still cute. You felt your cheeks heat up.

Jaemin was your long-time crush since the day you first started high school. You had always been the timid type, so approaching him was really tough since he was so popular. He had a gentle smile and girls would always be flocking around him. You thought it was impossible to become close with him when he treated every girl the same. But once you began to speak to him, you tried your best to convey your feelings to him.

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