LEMON | Hawkins x reader | Weaver

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It wasn't unusual for the sky to be a blinding blue and for the sun to beat down upon the surface of the gritty land where no shadows looked and all was light. But with the sounds of thundering hooves of many animals, that sunlight felt like it was being torn down from the heavens above. And on top of a rather beautiful kirin was carried what looked like to be two people: a man with blonde hair that matched the saturated sand and a woman with (h/c) hair that glistened in the burning sun.

Her head was already leaning against his back and her arms were round his middle, holding on as they bobbed up and down from the kirin's strong movement. And with that her breath was quiet, as if she had fallen asleep. Although it did look comfortable, what made it look slightly painful was the weight of a bazooka double her size on her back.
From behind, a few of the men who rode their own animals behind the two looked on almost envious of the golden-haired, tattooed-browed man.

'Hawkins-san sure is lucky to have such a beautiful pirate so close...'

But it was with a look over his shoulder that Hawkins saw the men straighten up from their state of jealously. Yet his eyes moved down to the woman who held him so close.


As his voice reached her, her eyes fluttered open and she looked up into the taller man's eyes, a smile gracing her lips before she reached up to rub her eye with her delicate hand.

"Oh hey, Hawkins."

(Y/n) frowned as she felt her body moving up and down with the animal's movement. Suddenly she looked to her left and to her right before her face exploded into a heavy shade of red as she brung both of her hands to cover her face that matched that of Eustass Kid's hair.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry...!"

Through the gaps in her fingers she muttered to the air of her slight self-disappointment. Hawkins still gazed at the sight of this woman: hardly wearing anything but a light green bikini top, dark green balloon pants and a bazooka who's strap made of leather wrapped round her body. The weapon just covering the large tattoo of the Beast Pirate's jolly rodger which was permanent on her left shoulder blade.

"No need to be."

Slowly moving her fidgets from her bright face, she looked at him once more. His face, to her, was unconventionally handsome and it made her heart swell happily. The corner of the magician's lips tilted in a small smile which sent the eyes of the lady wide and suddenly falling backwards off of the kirin.


But she stopped falling, to see that the whole group had stopped moving and that the man, who was only a few years older than her, had his pale yet strong hand gripped around her wrist. As if it was an oven, her face continued to heat up. heart beating in her ears as she looked down at his pale hand against her (s/c) arm, which held many a scar from her perilous journey from her home town in South Blue all the way to the New World.


Her words came as a squeak as she continued to lean against the man's force of a grip. But Hawkins then turned his whole body around to face the pirate woman and pressed his other hand against her forehead. In this time she never realised that he had taken his midnight-shaded gloves off.
His eyes were clearly noting that he was taken aback, for he moved his hand from her head.

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