Heat x reader | Requests and Reunions

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Quick note: from here on, there's kind of this decline in quality with my writing. I wasn't feeling it for a good while, so I'm sorry if you are disappointed in me.

I am too.

You woke up with a bang, the whole ship teetering on its side hard enough to launch you out of bed. Alongside your bump on the floor were two others, a yelp coming from the bed opposite.

"What in the world?!"

Nami practically screamed, shooting up from the floor where she fell. Robin appeared from beside the third bed, rubbing her head lightly with a grimace. All three of you whipped your heads around, still trying to take in your surroundings. It was too early to even comprehend moving, let alone seeing straight.

Because of that, the ginger huffed angrily, pushing herself to her feet.

"I swear to god if that's another one of Usopp's miscalculated inventions!"

Sucking in a sharp breath, you gingerly poked a rather tender part of your thigh. It was bound to bruise from the fall, the thought making you cringe. This was not a good way to wake up, especially not when it felt like the early morning.

"Well, we could be under attack."

Robin smiled sweetly, acting as if she didn't just suggest the worst possible outcome.

Nami ignored her, storming over towards the door. Your gaze followed her as you crawled to your feet, grabbing your jeans from your desk's chair and slipping them on. Crew or not, you didn't like the others seeing you around in your sleepwear, the girls being an exception of course.

Nami gripped the handle of the door ready to slam it open, when the ship teetered again and the three of you were sent tumbling across the room. It was your turn to be angry as your back met with the wall, causing you to jump to your feet and make a quick zip towards the door; slamming it open with fists clenched.


Pausing, you blinked owlishly.


You could hear Nami and Robin rushing up behind you, keen to see why you had stopped. The raven haired woman pushed between your shoulder blades, sending you a step forward so they could get past.

"Can you or not?"

"You bastard-! You attacked the Sunny for a selfish request?!"

Sanji was stood at the bow of the ship, Franky to one side and Luffy to the other. He was glaring at the deck of a ship which stood opposite; a large ship, in fact. Not only was it intimidating and possibly even a bit bigger than the Sunny in size, it was kitted out in this punk-rock kind of theme. It didn't take an idiot to realise whose ship it was, not when the captain's masked right hand man was addressing your blonde cook.

"Sanji-kun, What is going on!"

Nami placed both hands on her hips, calling over to the aforementioned man. He whipped around and his expression softened, noticing that the three of you girls were stood there, looking like you had just rolled out of bed. Although, Nami and Robin had this sort of natural beauty in the morning whereas you were the one with knotted hair and a half-asleep look. After sending you lot a smile, Sanji returned to his angered look and glared up at the unexpected guest.

"Massacre Soldier" Killer of the Kid Pirates.

"Look what you have done, you've woken the ladies-!"

"Never mind that, I need to know if you can help us out."

Killer wasn't wasting any time, stepping one step closer to the railings of the ship, the Victoria Punk, arms crossed looking all business. Luffy was also glaring at Killer, Franky having a watchful eye on the captain, who already had his mini tantrum about the Sunny being hit from unsuspecting cannon fire.

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