Laurette LaBlanc (rewritten)

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Ok so I have a cabin wars task and need to write out an OC for that so here she is: (she's french btw)

Laurette LaBlanc
Personality: Sarcastic, clever, easily excited

Age: looks 13. Born: April 24, 1788, actually 232.

Apearence: dark blue eyes, black hair, dark skin. Pictured above

Godly parent: Hecate

Occupation: Hunter of Artemis

Mortal Family: died hundreds of years ago, but when they were alive her mother, Eleanor, was a seamstress for the French Queen. Her father, Hammond, was a solider during the French Revolution, dying a heroes death. This left Eleanor and year old Laurette to fend for themselves. When Laurette turned 13, she joined the Hunters of Artemis, leaving her mother behind.

Special Ability: an enchantress of great renown, helps Artemis with the Hunter's equipment

Fatal Flaw: Vanity

Laurette was upset. No, more than upset. Furious. Fuming. Angry. None of those seemed to fit.

For whatever reason, Zoe Nightshade got the quest to find Lady Artemis. Even though Laurette was part of the Hunters for almost 215 years, she was never picked for anything important. And now, she was at Camp Half Blood, a camp for needy mortal demigods.

Laurette decided to do something she hadn't done in a really long time. She was going to use a sword.

For most half bloods, a sword or dagger was something that they used daily. For Laurette, she had her magic to protect her, as well as other magical items to help her in battle. She never used mortal weapons unless something was bothering her, and this was definitely bothering her.

(264 words) I know the story isn't super long, but it gives some insight onto her character. I do really like her though, so keep an eye out for her in future chapters.

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