First meeting

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A mortal au inspired by the pic above. (Image description for those who are offline: two screencaps from Lilo and stitch, the first with Lilo, talking to David, says "Don't worry. She likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read her diary." Followed by David saying, "she thinks it's fancy?" Whilst touching his hair. A Tumblr thread below it reads "I love the fact that he's surprised about the hair. Like he knows his ass is fine but the hair is a surprise.")

Annabeth was nervous.

No, she was extremely nervous.

Not only would she be introducing her family to her first boyfriend, but she hadn't seen them in at least five months.

It was December 20th, and Annabeth had, somehow, been convinced into spending Christmas vacation with her family. It was Percy's fault, really. He was the one that persuased her into going.

Her relationship had been rocky with her dad ever since her parents divorced and she went across the country with her mother when she was seven. He remarried a couple years after and had twins, Matter and Bobby.

Whenever Annabeth came to visit for two weeks in the summer, her stepmother wouldn't let Annabeth play with them, telling her that little girls played with other little girls, and little boys played with little boys. Of course, it was sexist and rude, and Annabeth knew this as the wisecrack eleven year old she was and called her stepmother out on it.

Which got Annabeth kicked out of her father's house and sent back to her overworked mother in New York.

She went back when she was thirteen, after Percy convinced her that they deserved a second chance. She had to refrain from telling him that it would actually be their third chance. Her stepmother had, in fact, changed her world veiw and even let Annabeth watch her five year old brothers while she went to the store.

Annabeth had lived with her dad the last couple weeks in the summer for the last three years, but this year was different. The summer camp she went to, a camp for kids with single parents where she met Percy and a bunch of her other friends, was having a talent show at the end and Annabeth couldn't miss it.

She and Percy were going to preform a dance that Silena, Annabeth's older sister figure, had choreographed for them. It was a mix between a tango, a line dance and a waltz, and it took the entire summer to get it right. Annabeth couldn't miss it. She and Percy ended up getting 2nd place right behind Silena herself.

Even though her and her father had been on good terms for the past couple years, she didn't know how he would react to Percy. Percy had been her best friend since she was twelve, when they both started going to the camp, but that didn't mean his aesthetic was, well, dad certified.

His favorite piece of clothing was his dad's leather jacket, which he kept in pristine condition since he got it, even though he wore it everywhere. Annabeth loved how badass he looked in the jacket, like he could beat literally anyone in a fight while simultaneously looking really hot. (At least to Annabeth, anyway)

They were currently on the plane to San Francisco, and Annabeth couldn't help but be more nervous than anything else.

"Hey," Percy said, taking her hand in his. She looked at him. "It'll be fine. Even if they hate me, what's the worst that could happen? He kicks me out? We'll just be home sooner that way." He was trying to lighten the mood, soothe her a little by making jokes. He also happened to be lightly rubbing circles on the back of her hand with his thumb.

"Yeah, that's true. Christmas with Sally is always good. She did send cookies to my dad though, and it would be a shame to leave before eating."

"Make it last until supper. Got it." He let go of her hand to take off his jacket, laying it across his legs. When they went through TSA, he had to take off the jacket and didn't let it out of his line of sight.

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