Rejection and Reconciliation

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Partially based on a true story. Teresa is Percabeth's 15yo daughter.

Before getting rejected, Teresa Jackson was having a fantastic day. She had started her day off with a proper amount of sleep, gotten ready in record time, and even had time for breakfast. At school she was able to talk to her best friend Dexter for more than five minutes, which was a rare occurrence. The school lunch wasn't half bad, and she totally aced her science test sixth period. In Gym she scored several times, and her team won, keeping her in a good mood.

Unfortunately, Dexter was on the opposing team, and he lost. Of course Teresa made fun of him for it, but that was how their friendship worked. Making fun of each other, flirty banter, the whole thing.

All and all, they were fantastic friends.

Except, Teresa had felt something a little bit more than platonic lately. She tried being subtle. It didn't work.

Today was the day.

She was going to ask Dexter out.

And she was positive that he would say yes. Because honestly, how could he deny her? With her dark hair and light eyes, a kind of style close to his own, and a personality that he got along with just fine, nothing could prevent him from saying yes, right?

Excluding the fact that he was about to turn eighteen and she was fifteen and a half.

"Teresa," Dexter waved a hand in front of her face. "Are you with me?" I wish. Teresa thought.

"What? Yeah I am. Just zoned out for a second there." She tucked her hair behind her ear. The one day she forgets to tie it ourt of her face.

Dexter started talking about some boring science project he had, but Teresa cut him off.

"Dexter, I've kinda been thinking about this for a while, do you want to go out with me? Like in a date date? Not a friend date?" Teresa asked, feeling a blush spread across her face.

Dexter looked out the front window. "My bus is here. I'll think about it and let you know when I'm done with track. Alright?"

All she could do was nod. He looked at her with a such a genuine concern.

He boarded the sports bus and glanced back at her, giving her a small wave from the window before getting distracted by the other track kids.

At least he didn't say no. Teresa thinks solemnly.


He texts her a couple hours later.

"So I thought about it, you know I'm a logical person. At first I thought, why not? And then I realized that your 15 and I turn 18 in literally two weeks. It wouldn't be responsible or appropriate for us to start dating now. We can still be friends though!"

Teresa may or may not have left him on read, and she may or may not have cried about it for a couple hours.


Dexter knocked on the door to Teresa's apartment. He had an apology speech lined up in his head, and her favorite playlist queued up on his phone. He knew that he was a jerk for declining her, but he thought the least he could do was shower and apologize in person. Besides, he knew that he parents and older sister would be home, and he didn't want to smell like he had just ran for two and half hours, which he did.

The door opened, revealing Teresa's mother, Annabeth Jackson.

"Dexter? I didn't know you were coming over today. I thought you had track?"

"I did. I just got back from it. Well, I showered before I came over here. I know how much you guys like to tease me when I don't."

Annabeth looked amused.

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, go ahead," Annabeth opened the door wider, showing the large living area and kitchen. "I think she's in her room. You'll want to knock first."

"Alright, can do," Dexter agreed, slipping off his shoes by the door and treading carefully down the hallway to where Teresa's room was. He knocked on the door.

No answer.

He frowned. Usually she replied right away.

The bathroom door opened, and Teresa walked out. He face looked freshly washed, and her long black hair was tied out of her face.

She looked shocked, then upset, then confused. "What are you doing here?"

Dexter adjusted his glasses. "I came to apologize."

"Apologize for what? Being logical? Making a responsible decision as an almost adult? You don't need to apologize for that."

"Well I hurt you, didn't I? I have to apologize for that, at the very least."

A second of silence while she thought it over. He could practically see the gears turning in her head. "Fine. That's a valid thing to apologize for. I accept your apology. You are not forgiven yet, but give me a couple hours to think about it, and I'll let you know."

She was mocking him. That was a good sign.

"Do you want me to stay for supper?"

"Yeah. Jess might make tease you though."

"Jess always teases me. It's kind of her thing."

"Friends?" Teresa asked, holding her hand out in a truce.

"Always," he confirmed, taking her hand and shaking it firmly, just like he had the day they had met.


Life was pretty good after that.

Maybe them dating didn't work out.

But at least they can be bomb friends.

(888 words)

As I said at the beginning, this is partially based on a true story. I asked my older best friend out and he denied me because I'm quite a bit younger than him and he didn't think it was appropriate. I haven't seen him in a week or so because he's in quarantine, so wish me luck when he comes back so that it's not awkward and we can continue with our flirty banter.

I am so excited to see him again.

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