Special Touches

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They were always touching. His arm on her shoulder, their feet touching in class; with him behind her so that this could happen. The teachers asked them to stop relentlessly, but these two didn't care. She would put a hand on his as they studied, giving him a short kiss every time he got an answer right. When they stood and talked with their friends, she would stand in front of him, his chin resting on her head. When they sat together, her on his lap, often reaching up to ruffle his hair as he played with hers.

They were inseparable. Everyone knew that. After a few weeks of telling the off for having their feet touching under their chairs, even the teachers backed off.

No one talked to him. Only his friends and girlfriend had the  nerve. When in class, he had a guideline for himself: do not speak unless spoken to. He hated talking in class. He had been through to much to care about what his teachers thought about him. He was very smart, passing every quiz and test thrown at him, if not barely.

She was very smart. Everyone wondered how she ended up with him. The teachers saw how he was in the back of class and assumed he wasn't the greatest person for someone like her to be around. But when the teachers saw the unlikely pair in the halls, bumping each other in a joking manner and saying little things to the other and making them laugh, the teachers are sure she picked him.
I knew that we were destined to be together. How? Couldn't tell you. I just knew. I have a great life, perfect girlfriend, great friends, great mother and step-dad, good grades, the whole thing.

We were holding hands as we walked down the street. A girl came up to us.

"Hey Percy, hey Annabeth," she said the last part with slight venom in her voice. We picked it up immediately. Annabeth put her hand on my shoulder, giving me a signal of "this is fine, let her go on."

"Amanda Leah," I said, an equal amount of venom in my voice. She was dressed casually, a purple spaghetti strap tube top and ripped denim short shorts. Her straight brown hair was carefully tucked behind a lavender headband.

"Are you doing anything tonight?"


"Oh. Might I ask what that would would be?"

I was trying to conceal my rage. She has no business knowing what I'm doing tonight!

"My little sister's birthday party." Annabeth squeazed my hand, signaling that we needed to go.

"Oh! Do you need a plus one? I would love-"

"Nope. Close friends and family only," Annabeth interrupted. "And speaking of, we need to pick up the cake, don't we Percy?" She was clearly not enjoying the situation.

"Yeah! Right, almost forgot, don't want to be late!" I said, taking Annabeth's hand and walking towards the cake shop down the block.

"Oh, alright, see you at school!"

.. at Percy's apartment ..
We're setting up for my baby sister Estelle's party when Annabeth finally speaks to me.

"Why did you let her talk to us for so long?" Her voice was soft, concerned about something.

"Just being polite, I guess."

"Can you be polite less next time?  As in don't let in go on for so long?"

"You were jealous, weren't you!" I said as I figured it out.

"Yes, off course I was! This girl with her perfect hair and perfect clothes just walks up to us and starts talking to you like it's no big deal! And you do nothing? What if-" I cut her off with a kiss.

"Stop. You don't need to worry about anything. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I kissed her again, my arms looping around her waist and her arms snaking up my neck to the back of my hair. The coo coo clock in the kitchen went off, letting us know that it was 5:00 and we needed to pick up Estelle from daycare and take her to Mom and Paul's apartment.

"Crap! We're going to be late!" Annabeth and I broke apart and got our things. I grabbed my car keys and Annabeth got her purse and the gift bag for Estelle.

"Got everything?" I asked.

"Hopefully," Annabeth said as she looked through her bag.

And with that, we were off.

(757 words)

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