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The autumn breeze ruffled messily through the white shimmering feathers of the man ahead of him. He stood up straight on the cliff side, staring out into the sea. Tango watched as the blonde angelic hermit turned to watch a boat in the distance. He caught a glimpse of the mans eyes, which twinkled with the reflection of the water and sighed. A beauty like that could never fall for a demon like him with red horns and pointed teeth. Tango sank down behind the tree he was using for cover, there was no way he could ever confess to a guy like that.


Three days had past since Tango last saw his blonde crush. It wasn't a big deal considering they lived on opposite sides of the center island, but walking past Grian's artifact board in the main hall of Decked Out made him stop and think. Was there a way to get Grian to like him? Was there anything he could do to maybe win him over on a date? He pondered his options immensely, so much so that he didn't noticed when a soft pair of feet landed gracefully on the floor behind him.


Tango jumped in panic, tripping over himself and bumping into the board sending an array of artifacts falling to the floor. He looked up at the clearly confused hermit above him only to be met with the big blue eyes he had been thinking of moments before. He stuttered and spoke, "G-Grian! What brings you here to um- your board in decked out?"

Tango felt his face flush and cursed himself in his head for looking like such a fool. He scooped up a few of the nearby artifacts but paused as a hand was outstretched to him.

"I was just coming to sort through my artifacts," Grian giggled, taking in the sight of the messy demon in front of him, "but it looks like it shouldn't take to long considering the pieces are already off the board."

Tango hesitantly took the offered hand and stood, still flustered but less frantic, "Sorry about that, I guess I kinda had my guard down for a moment there. Let me help you fix them up."

Grian smiled, a soft pink tinge growing on his cheeks as he spoke,"Alright."

Fixing the artifacts was quite a simple task if Tango had been doing it alone, however, as he reached down to scoop up the remains artifacts from the floor he slowly began to take in just how close the pair was to each other. So much so that he could feel the soft swipe of a white feather on his nose as he bent down. Tango gulped, a small ping of confidence ringing through his ears. Could this be the time to make a move?

Tango watched as Grian took a step forward towards the board to hang up the artifacts in his arms, humming to himself softly. He was much shorter than Tango was and after placing some of his artifacts along the bottom rows, began to have trouble reaching the slots on top. Tango smiled and took a step forward, standing close behind the smaller hermit and gently grabbed one of the remaining artifacts in Grian's hands from behind. Tango placed his other hand on the blondes shoulder, leaning down to whisper into Grian's ear, "Let me help you with that, angel."

"O-okay," Grian stuttered. His ears perked up and his face gently flushed a pinkish red as he felt Tango's hand softly slide down his arm. Grian brushed a lock of hair behind his ear and continued, "so, um, how has Decked Out been lately? Anything interesting going on?"

"Pretty great actually," Tango smiled, arms still reaching around the hermit, continuing to place the artifacts on the wall, "I was actually thinking about adding a new feature. Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Well... I guess that depends on the feature." Grian gulped. He slowly turned to face the red winged demon with him leaning back slightly only to realize the wall was behind him. "What would it be?"

Tango smirked, bringing one arm to lean on the wall next to the hermits head. He looked down at the last artifact in Grian's hand, the Wither Rose. Tango took the rose lightly in his hand examining it thoroughly and glanced up at the blonde, taking in the sight of his flustered face and rosy red lips.

"Well," he began, leaning in a bit closer, "I was thinking about making an event where teams of two could enter the dungeon..."

Tango reached up to place the rose in the last slot above Grian's head, his face serious and engrossed in those big blue eyes. Tango brought his free hand down to delicately caress the blondes cheek and place a finger under his chin. Tango lifted up Grian's face, eyes meeting as he continued and asked, "... thought it would be fun to play with a partner. Would you like to try it out with me?"

Grian swallowed hard, adjusting his collar and lowering his head shyly. He bit his lip for a moment and replied a simple, "I'd like that..."

"Perfect!" Tango exclaimed, taking a step back and moving his hand up in front of his chest, "I'll go get the dungeon ready and you can meet me over at the entrance as soon as your ready okay? Awesome!"

Before Grian could get in a single word, Tango was around the corner, hand clutching his chest as a nervous sweat dripped down his face. He took in a deep breath and sank to the floor, covering his face with his hands and mumbling, "I can't believe I just did that!"

Tango took a few moments to gather himself and relax before standing. Grian must be at least a bit interested based on his reaction right? Even just a little? Tango pondered this as he hurriedly prepared the dungeon settings with his best cards and stats. If there was anywhere he'd have the confidence to make a move, it had to be in the dungeon.


The demon in question jumped at the sound of his name and relaxed when he saw the blonde once more. He smiled, "Sorry I was fixing controls. Are you ready?"

Grian smiled, his flustered red cheeks toned down to a soft pink, "All set!"

"Alright," Tango said, scooping up a spinning compass and leading Grian to the entrance of the dungeon. He paused for a moment and turned to face the smaller hermit, holding out a hand and spoke nervously, " just so we don't get separated?"

"Of course." Grian giggled, taking the offered hand into his.

The doors rushed open in front of them and the spooky sounds of the dungeon flooded the room. Tango took one last glance at the angel besides him and smirked, "Let's do this."

Authors note:
Hello guys! Thank you guys so much for all the ideas for me to write. I'm glad to say I have plenty of things to write! This one comes from a request by @Maddiefox540 who asked for some Grian x Tango content. I hope you like the story and my drawing! I hope you all have a great day and happy reading! <3 TheGuestinator

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