Shower Thoughts

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Doc loved showers. He liked to take them in the morning to help wake up, in the evening to wash off the stress of the day. He liked them in the middle of the night when he couldn't sleep or in the afternoon when he simply felt sweaty from his hard work and wanted a fresh start. That is, until his shower was broken in a rather odd accident.

It all started with the hippies of course. In the midst of an epic prank gone wrong, one of their tunnels underneath Area 77 happened to run right next to some pipes that brought water in and out of the compound. This plus an unfortunate run in with a particularly explosive mob led to a lot of rubble, and a broken bathroom.

Doc sighed as he finished his work for the day and reflected on his creeper mishap before flying towards Area 77 to take a well deserved nap. If he couldn't shower, he could at least take a nap right? He flew across the compound and after a bit of searching for a lonely bed near one of Scar's ever growing chest monster and decided to take a little nap.

Doc was comfortable, as comfortable as he could be in the middle of a hoard of shulker boxes and almost drifted off when he felt a light pressure on his legs. He ignored it, assuming a bird had landed on him and would fly away shortly. But after a few silent moments he felt not one, but four little areas of pressure moving up his chest. He sighed and opened his eyes, ready to shoo the birds away but was surprised to come face to face with a very wide eyed and very close cat.

"Jellie!" He shouted, jumping up in surprise and immediately regretting it due to the not so friendly sound Jellie made on her way to the floor. She stretched then jumped back up on the edge of the small bed, staring at him with her big sparkly eyes.

"Goodness you scared me little one." Doc said as he reached out to pat her head. "What are you doing out here? Where's Scar?"

Jellie stood and walked in a circle a few times before plopping back down, now facing a patch of trees to their left. Doc looked confused before hearing a rustle in that direction and turned to see his good friend and neighborhood cowboy, Scar, fall face first out of a few bushes.

"Jellie! Where are you?" He called as he rubbed his eyes and stood. Scar looked up to find his two best friends staring at him, one with pure confusion, and one with complete understanding.

"Doc! You found her!" He shouted as he ran over to their spot, scooping Jellie into his arms and turning to face his confused friend. "Thank you so much! I've been looking for this rascal all day."

Scar paused when he saw Docs expression and situation. He looked tired and disheveled probably from a long day at work, and a bit helpless all wrapped up in an old red blanket. "Wait a sec what are you doing out here?" Scar asked, placing Jellie on his shoulders where she sat quietly and contently.

"Well..." Doc mumbled, bringing a hand up to rub his neck. "I just felt like taking a nap I guess"

Scar shook his head and held out a hand to his friend. "Not out here you're not. Come on you can come stay over my place. You look like you could use a hot shower and a warm bed."

Doc thought for a moment, he was fine sleeping outside, he did enjoy being out under the stars but the thought of a hot shower nearly had him convinced. However, Doc shook his head and smiled, "No that's all right. I wouldn't want to intrude on you." Jellie purred and blinked in Docs direction. "And, Jellie."

Scar smiled and grabbed Docs hand, pulling him up from his seat and off towards the nearest nether portal. "Don't be ridiculous" he laughs, pulling Doc along with him as he navigated through the trees, "Jellie and I love company! And I refuse to leave a friend outside at night time."

Doc looked down at their hands, still held tight, and up to Scar, face being blocked by his hat. Jellie stared at Doc for a moment before meowing happily. He thought about his situation and smiled, this was all the convincing he needed.

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