Chapter 1-Reset

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Love never truly dies or fades away. It just transcends time

Who would have ever thought it turned out this way? Life has a mysterious way to prove you different. And it was all because of him and through him I learned that nothing would ever be the same.

I was walking around in circles like a dog catching it's tail waiting for my beloved to come home. Where was he? He was supposed to be home hours ago, and yet he was nowhere to be found. It was if automatically the door unlocked as I backed away a few steps.

" Hello, darling. Ph, I missed you so much." A tall brunette man with a honey like voice spoke as he stepped inside the house.

" Oh, dear where have you been? Do you know the time?" I replied as if I had known him.

" My apologies, ma'am but I do believe it was something urgent." Upon further examination, this man wore a proper uniform as if he was a part of the war and carried a southern accent, his hair was blacker than night but carried a few golden locks. However, his face was unclear; it was looking through an unclear camera lens. I blinked to clear my vision but it was no use, I could only see the rest of him.

" Such as?" I further persisted.

" Well, I wanted this to be a surprise but.." The brunette stopped as he got on bended knee when he pulled out a magnificent detailed diamond ring that held a golden band.

" Wait. Jaz.What?"

" Shush, I have been wanting to do this for sometime now however, I didn't know if I could truly love someone. And with time you have shown me how to love. You taught me to become a better man. I want to be with you forever. So, will you please do me the honor of being my wife?" The gentleman spoke with his glassy aquamarine eyes reflecting mine.

" Oh Jaz, Of course. Yes, I will marry you." I stated as he gasped in relief and set the ring upon my finger and twirled me around.

" I love you."

" I love you, too."

Soon I was no longer in the arms of that man but in the face of two different individuals. Individuals whom I didn't recognize nor did they feel welcoming.

" Please, stop. He is my husband. He is not evil. He did not commit such a crime." I stated as two uniformed officers pushed their way into my house.

" Where is he ma'am." They insisted.

"I won't tell you because he did no such thing. You speak of heresy." I retailed as soon as I said that I felt a sting sensation across my face.

"Look if you don't tell us. We will have to use harsher methods. He is a killer. He is not normal like you or me." He added.

" Well, I don't know where he is, and even if I knew I wouldn't tell you. You don't know him. He is caring, loving, and he would never ever bring harm to anyone. Now please leave." I said as I turned my back as I headed towards the door to show them on the way out.

" You left us no choice. We have to hurt him where it hurts the most." The man announced as a thunder sound cracked. I felt something piercing my body as I looked down to the hem of my apron and crimson leaked out of me.

"Ugh, why?" I fell to my knees as my body went back until I felt a pair of arms keeping me from collapsing.

"Jaz." I looked up to see the blur face however he carried those same blue eyes.

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