Chapter 7- Into you

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Into You

The weeks passed between since Maxwell and I started hanging out with his family during lunch, and hanging out with Jackson whenever he possibly can capture Bri and me,allowing Chase and I to actually become some close friends. Chase was not the typically basketball popular kid I pictured. Even though he was the best point guard but there was something more, something that made me feel safe and like I could talk to him without any judgement. He was cozy,warm like a hot cocoa on a cold wintery day or that perfect pumpkin autumn spice that radiates the air. Making you feel all giddy inside. But alas I wanted Maxwell, although I did like Chase, I was pretty sure it wasn't like, like. He was just a good friend, someone when Bri isn't there I can confide in.

On top of going to Bonnie and Cynthia's place over the weekend while attending the bakery, life has been fast tracked. No time to reflect but heck we already don't get those chances.

All morning I was semi forced to pay attention to classes, since Maxwell was going to be in some club thing, algebra was an obligation, english honors was fine, and I just daydreamed through US history. Unfortunately I wasn't in the same class as Bri because Miss. AP, was with her cowboy and the rest of the Carter which I bet I find it so much funnier, however history was boring. No need to over achieve in everything. As I waited by the Cafe doors for Bri and the clan to show up, surprisingly Bri was alone.

" Where's Jasper, Charlotte, Lexi,and Sophie?" I asked as I looked behind her to make sure there weren't more people coming.

" I don't know. I was wondering the same thing, but.." She shrugged off

" Fine, I guess they're busy. Let's Go." I turned my heel and walked ahead. As I looked straight I noticed a familiar outline of bouncy chocolate curls and the most contagious smile on earth. Immediately we could tell. Anyone would.

"Bonnie!" We yelled as we ran to her and pulled into a hug.

" Hi!" She pulled away and wore the widest, happiest smile.

"Bonnie, what are you doing here?" Bri cheated on the question I was going to ask.

"Well, I am a student after all." Bonnie bounced and

" Yeah, but how? I thought that Cythnia disagreed with it." Bri added as she looked for some possible explanation in Bonnie's mind but didn't pry.

" After you guys left, I explained that it was time for me to grow up, and socialize with "normal people." She air quoted. " I want to experience what it was like to go to high school, and have all those funny festivals, and I stood my ground."

"You pleaded for your life." I corrected as I sent her a look.

"Yeah, Basically."She exhaled while adjusting the hem of her shirt, " But when you girls said that you will protect me, mom kinda knew it was the right time. Thanks, I don't mean to get all emotional but thanks for offering to protect me." Tears rolled down her cheek as Bri and I patted them dry with our sleeves.

We pulled her into a hug, " You know we will always be here for you."

" Yes, and if anyone even dares to touch you I beat them to a pulp." Bri announced as she cracked her knuckles and a faint smile showed.

"Thanks, you know I never had real friends, besides you guys."

" Well, us two."


" We never had friends besides one another."

"But you guys went to school with other kids?" Bonnie pointed out as she furrowed her brows.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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