He hesitated so I nodded my head to let him know it was okay.

He got up and slowly got under the sheets next to me. I moved down and put my head on his chest. He put his arms around me and his chin on the top of my head.

"That's better. It was lonley in here anyway"  I whispered

He stroked my hair on the back of my head and we both fell asleep.


I woke up in the middle of the night but Abe was still asleep. I diddnt want to wake him up so I leaned over to get my phone off the side table.


I reached over a little bit further to get my water but it was more than my injured side could take.

I felt a sharp pain where my stitches were and I winced waking Abe up.

"Baby, baby what's wrong" he said concerned placing his hand on my shoulder. slowly pulling me towards him again

"I reached too far and pulled my stomach...its fine" I said as a single tear ran down my face

'Well there goes pretending your fine. Way to go bailey' I thought to myself.

"Your not fine are you. Let me go get a nurse or someone"

"No honestly im-"  I tried to protest but I was cut off by abe's lips mine

He wrapped his hands round my waist being careful of my stomach.

He broke the kiss and got up and left me in the room alone.

A While later abe came in with a nurse.

She checked my vitals and my stomach and nothing was wrong. My blood pressure was just a bit high.

She gave me some meds through my iv and left me and Abe alone to sleep once again.

We got in the same position as last time and fell asleep once again.


We were startled awake by Ally bursting into the hospital room and shouting

"Hands off home boy she's got her mum here now"

I looked up at Abe and he looked at me as he raised his eyebrows.

"If u don't move in the next 5 seconds she's going to drag you off the bed" I said smiling. I kissed him as he got up and left the room to let me and Ally talk.

She climbed onto the bed next to me where Abe had just gotten up from and pulled me into a hug.

"My poor baby. I'm so so so so unbelievably sorry for leaving you alone. It's all my foalt. You didn't want to go to the stupid party anyway. I'm so sorry"

She began to cry making my heart ache. I hated seeing her cry she was always my happy girl.

"Hay hay hay...no crying. It's not your fault. I left you too. But no crying. I need your happiness to make me feel better"

I wiped the tears off her face and she gave me a look.

"Dont make this gay bailey I've told you before. Its 100% ok if you are but I just dont feel the same way"

I burst out laughing

"There she is" I smiled at her my girl was back.

Abe came back into the room and looked happy to see us laughing. I on the other hand was even happier to see he had a McDonalds breakfast bag in his hand.

"Ok now I see why you love him" Ally said impressed with his choises in food.

Ally stayed in my bed refusing to leave my side so Abe was banished back into the chair.

We say and ate our food as we made jokes and laughed.

It felt good to just let go and have fun. It had been too long since I felt this way.



Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and good.

We are so so close to 200 reads and I'm so thankful for every single one of you!

Please comment and vote it would really help me out!

What did you think of the 3 of them being close friends at the end? Do u want more scenes like that maybie with sam too?

~love ya!

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