chapter 26 x

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Us~james bay

'Tell me how to breathe in and feel no hurt'


We piled into the car and rider decided to go on his bike because there wasn't enough room for us all in the car.

Jax decided to drive, jack sat in the front seat. I sat in the middle in the back because I was the smallest with Abe and Bella either side of me.

"I'm hungry" jack complained from the front seat. I hadn't noticed that I was hungry myself and everyone else agreed.

"Where to?" Jax asked "god I sounded like a taxi driver. Never doing that again"

We all laughed "MCDONALDSSSSSS" bella shouted.

Jax started driving to the nearest McDonald's.

He said it would make the journey to the tattoo place an hour instead if 45 minutes but non of us cared

After 15 minutes we got to the drive thrust. Rider didn't follow us so we assumed he was going straight to the tattoo place.

We were fast going through the drive thru and I got a large fries and a medium fanta.

The journey seemed to go quickly than it was. Probbaly because of all the talkin and eating we were doing.

"How longs lefttt" bella complained.

"About 15 minutes" jack said.

Abe put his hand on my thigh and he looked at me and smiled. I grabbed his hand and he placed his fingers between mine and rested our hands back on my knee.

I rested my head on his shoulder and he put his head on top of mine.

Bella looked over at us "if you to start fucking I'm jumping out of this car weather we are on the motorway still or not" jax almost died from laughter.

"Eyes on the road dick" Abe said lifting his head up for a second before putting it back where it was before.

Jax just shook his head.

Soon enough we pulled up at the tattoo place and jax parked across the street.

We all hoped out of the car and crossed the road to the shop and we all walked in.

Abe instinctively caught my own hand in his as we walked through the door, it closing automatically behind us with a bit of a slam.

"He thought you got lost on the way. My dudes been complaining this whole time" a man said. He was tattooing a woman's arm as he moved his head directing us to Rider sitting sulking in one of the 4 chairs.

"Hay man! How's it going?" The man asked jack standing up to give him a bro hug before moving to Abe.

"Hay! How have you been?" Abe asked.

"Ah ya know still breating" he replied "who's this pretty lil lass?" He asked referring to be practically hiding behind Abe.

"Oh yeah, Tomo this is Bailey. Bailey this is Tomo" Abe explained.

I smiled and tried to say a simple hi but my words failed me so I gave him a little wave.

"So how'd yous meet her? Not going to like you seem too-" he paused and thought about his word choice "innocent for these fuckers" I breathed out a half hearted laugh trying not to he rude, I didn't really like how he spoke like I wasn't there.

"Oh she's my-"


Jack and Abe spoke at the same time.

Because that's not awkward at all. I wanted the ground to swallow me up.

"Shit I'm not going to ask about that one. I'm just finishing up Lexi here then I'll be right with you. I won't be more than 5 mins"

We all moved to sit down but there was only 4 seats and 5 of us so I sit on the end of one of the sofa's arms next to Abe.

I could slowly feel the Anxiety staring to set in. Was I really going to do this?!?

I began playing with my wring just like always and Abe put his hand on my thigh and leaned up to me to whisper in my ear.

"Calm down. Your gonna be fine. I'm going to hold your hand the whole time and you don't have to do this if you don't want to" he kissed my jaw before moving back to where I was sitting before.

"Right I'm all yours my dudes, who's up first?" Tomo asked looking at us, whilst we decided he changed his gloves and the film cover on the bed. Along with all the tattoo needles ect.

"Well if no one is going to volunteer to go first I guess I'll have to take one for the team" jack said standing up like it was a chore.

We a talked as one by one everyone got their desired tattoo until there was only me and bella left.

"Bella's going first" I spat out quickly before she could protest.

"Oh thanks bro. Real smooth" she said standing up and fake smiling at me making me laugh.

I move off the arm of the sofa to sit between jack and Abe.

Abe got his tattoos on the back of his forearm to fit in between the rest of them that were there. They looked so cool.

Jack showed me what he got.

He had got "the sky is not the limit. Your mind is"  on the left side of the top of his back I had no idea he was going to get that. He used to tell me that when I was having a bad anxiety day and he decided to not be an ass for once. It did make me appreciate him. I was glad we got on more now and he wasn't a dick 24/7.

Sooner than I hoped bella was done and it was my turn.

I walked over and sat on the side of the bed. I haven't even decided where to get it.

I showed Tomo the design we did and he made a stencil.

Abe was sitting on the bed next to me for support.

"Where's it going sweetheart?" He asked.

"Umm I have no idea we didn't get that far. Where do you think would be good?"

"I mean you can never go wrong with the outside of your arm, starting from your wrist and it would finish 2 inches down your arm. That way it's a good place to add more in the future if you feel like it too" he explained. I liked the idea so we decided to go with it.

He passed me a disposable razor so I could shave the area and I did.

Within 20 minutes he was finished and just doing the final shading. The pain wasn't half as bad as I was expecting but it hurt a little more on the boney areas.

Abe held my hand the whole time and refused to let go.

Only 20 minutes later Tomo stopped "all done" he said wiping my arm getting rid of any extra ink.

I haddent looked at it the whole time but when I glanced down at it I fell in love.
"Oh my god I love it" I exclaimed. It was even better than I could ever imagine.

It would now be apart of me forever, just how sam, jax, jack, kyle, bella, ally and all the new friends who will come and go will always be apart of my life nomatter if they leave mental scars or physical.

and the most important Abe, who will leave his mark on my heart forever, for better and for worse he will always be the best thing that ever happend to me.

the end.

"and so the lion fell in love with the lamb" - stephanie meyer

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