chapter 14 x

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Theselfwillruntiot~ Aryia

'I dont give a dam'


we pulled up to the restaurant and it was fancy as fuck, of course. Me and the guys got out the car after parking it and walked throuh the doors wich had red led lights around them.

People eating looked at us as we walked in. thinking about it it probbaly would look a little wired having 3 huge, muscular men walk into a restaruant with a very petite girl who would have no chanse of standing up to them.

The people staring stared to make me nervous, i never likes attention from loads of people. I once again playse with my ring and my hands as i tried to control my breathing and not freak out.

Kyle noticed as he was standing next to me with Jax and Sam getting a table infront of us "there not looking at you dont worry" he leand down and whisperd in my ear, grabbing my hand gently to let me know its okay. "they probbaly think you all kidnapped me, a small ass girl walking in with 3 huge guys" i said giggling causing him to laugh too.

I was grateful that he was waching me and i knew he was there for me. we got led to a private booth table in the corner and we all sat down around the round table. I sat imbetween Sam and Jax with Kyle on the other side of sam.

The waitor came and took our food orders and sam told him what i wanted too as i knew i wouldnt be able to speak. Quicker than normaly our food came and we all ate like we hadnt ate for a month.

we had all finished our food and were just talking so i decided to go to the bathroom. "im gonna go pee bruvas" i said to them standing up. "are u gonna be ok? do u want one of us to go with you" jax asked i moved my eyebrows up and looked at him confused "no with, with you, one of us can stand ouside. i dont know man you girls do that shit" he said.

"i think i'll be ok dont worry. you dont have to hold my hand. You can see the door from over here i'll be fine. oh my god im a big girl dont worry " i walked to the bathroom after laughing. i could still hear them laughing at what i said from the other side of the restaraunt.

I was in the bathroom stall peeing when I heard the door quietly open and then close again. There were light and quiet footsteps around the tile floor, my mind began to tell me it was someone who was going to hurt me but i decided not to jump to conclusions and leave the stall.

I pushed open the door and saw a girl who was probbay a little older than me, arround 25 or so standing outside the door. I relax as she wasent what i was expecting to see "hay gurl im Amara" she said smiling.

"hi, im Bailey?" i awnserd confused edging her on to get to the point "can i help you?" i asked she just stood there and shuffled on her feet "im just gonna go-" i went to walk out of the bathroom but she stood and blocked the door "what do you want with me" i asked looking at her.

"i just want to make sure your ok. im not trying to be rude or anything but you can imagine what we think when we see a small girl walk in with 4 big guys" i was glad that she asked, i probbaly would have thought the same i just wasnt expecting to be asked so upfront.

"oh my god, no no no its not like that. the're my friends. thank you so much for asking though i know what it looks like" i said laughing, she sighed in relief that i was ok and we walked out of the bathroom together, then parting our ways and going to our seperate tables.

I sat down in the same seat before and all the boys were silent untill Sam spoke up "what did she want?" reffering to the girl in the bathroom. "oh dont wory she was just checking that you haddent kidnapped me and i was here with my own free will. im all good stop worrying" i explained making them laugh. "i bet your glad u diddnt burst on into the womens bathroom after her now" kyle said to Jax. "oh my god really! that would have made you so much more suspicious" i said making them all laugh "can we go party noww" i said.

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