President Pretty Boy

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This story will take place in highschool but a bit more proper because it has a student council! I haven't seen anything like this one so I hope you enjoy it!
I'm working on a few requests yes XD

It was an ordinary day at a prestigious highschool in England. The students were on time, everyone was chatting, the student council was in the council room and so on. But today, oh boy, it was going to shake up the whole school...

"Alright class, we have a new student today," The history teacher said.
The class all looked towards the door and waited for the new student to come through. That new student kicked the door open and walked in. Everyone was shocked, especially the student council president, Tom.

"Am I in the right school or is this a prank cause y'all look way too formal right now," the boy said.
"Tord Larson?" The teacher asked.
"Huh?" He replied.
"Uhh-" the teacher had no idea what to do.
Usually everyone is polite and formal but this one was a rare case.

"Could you introduce yourself?" The teacher asked.
"M'kay, I'm Tord. I'm from Norway and I've lived here in England for almost 5 years. I was previously enrolled in *insert school name* highschool," he said, "Nice to me y'all I guess."
Tord shrugged and looked at the teacher for instructions.

Tord had his backpack hung on his right shoulder. His uniform was messy. His ear rings, dyed hair and backpack colour was against the uniform code of the school.
"Excuse me," Tom stood up.
"Hm?" Tord hummed.
"Your attitude is impolite and your appearance is against rules. You can't have dyed hair, gold loop ear rings or a bright red backpack," Tom said sternly.
"So?" Tord replied.

The other students gasped.
"What the fuck is wrong with people here? Plus, while you're telling me that my appearance is 'not allowed', why don't you go fix your hairdo? You look like a fuckin' pineapple," Tord said, "You're wearing ear rings too. What's up with that red band?"
"Excuse me? Don't talk to me like that, who do you think you are?! This band? Oh, it's the student council band, I have a red one because I'm the PRESIDENT," Tom said loudly.
"Cool, I want one. Cute pencil case," Tord chuckled.
Tom glanced at his pastel purple pencil case and growled. It was his sister's.

He walked to a vacant seat next to Tom. He smirked.
"Thanks for the introduction I guess, President Pretty Boy," he said.
"Wha- please don't call me that," Tom said, he blushed a little.
"Whatever ya say!" Tord shrugged.

For a few weeks, Tord had been the disobedient bad boy of the school. Whenever he say Tom, he'd always call him 'President Pretty Boy'. This pissed Tom off obviously and waited for the teachers or the principle to call Tord to stop. But as the weeks went by, no one did.

Tord had made two friends. Their names were Edd and Matt. They were also part of the student council as the
Secretary and Vice President. Edd had a pink band and Matt had a yellow band.

Edd, Matt and Tord were sitting at a table during lunch.
"Say Tord, why don't you join the council?" Edd asked.
"What? Like I'd join this stupid group. No offence by the way, haha!" Tord replied.
"Aww, I would've loved it if you were though," Matt said.

Tom walked into the cafeteria.
"Hey, President Pretty Boy! Over here!" Tord yelled.
Tom looked towards him and grumbled. Tord was waving at him and motioning him to come over. Tom gripped his lunch and walked over.
"Yes, Tord?" He stated sternly.
"Quick question, is there like- any couples here or is love illegal too?" Tord asked.
"Yes, there are quite a few," Tom replied.
"Loosen up, Thomas! Don't act so formal, you're freaking me out,"
"Why do you ask anyway?"
"No reason, I just don't see many girls and boys together is all. Are you with anyone?"
"N-no, not at the moment. You?"
"Nah. Y'know, I'm gay actually,"
"Wh-what? Really? Oh, I didn't know that... Uh- I'm bisexual,"
"Good to know you're opening up to me, President Pretty Boy,"

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