Mafia thingy

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Uh- I was watching Suicide Squad for the 3rd time so I was like hey I like Joker and Harley Quinn and hey I like Tom and Tord sooooooooooooooooooo- here's whatever this is--
It's mafia based yEAh  uH- I dont think I'll be very good at this-

Technically like Joker and Quinn but some parts are different-
Tord's not the crazy ass in this one surprise surprise--
ok goodbye enjoy whatever I just made gyuhjkljsmkmlioajm-
(Slowly loses confidence in writing)


Tord was wondering around in a club, his friend had dragged him along. He said he had a deal with someone and had to go meet them. Tord didn't want to meddle with dealing business but was talked into it. Correction, he was with a group of friends. Five in fact. They were all males, heading in the same direction.

Tord was a little uncomfortable getting luring looks from women and winks from men. He wasn't entirely happy with the idea. He was a single man who had a strange taste in men and women. He just found normal people... well, normal. He found them boring and predictable. The group reached a certain part of the club where strippers started showing up to their side, guiding them inside a small room. There were sofas against the round, glass walls.

There sat a man, a fairly young looking man who shouldn't be gambling or making deals with people. Tord sighed as he sat down. 
"Who's that?" The man asked.
Tord perked his head up, because he was most likely talking about him and because the man's voice was deeper than he expected.
"He's my friend, he doesn't know about anything," Tord's friend said.
The others chuckled. Tord shifted uncomfortably in his place.
"But now he knows this location," The man said bitterly, "I thought we agreed on something, did we not?" 

Tord's friends had a look of nervousness spread across their face instantly as if the man used a knife and smeared them in butter. The knife was a threat and the butter... Tord didn't know. The man signaled someone, who seemed to be a bodyguard, and waved towards Tord. 

Tord's P. O. V (whoa whaaaat) 

I was pulled out the room and, the guard being surprisingly polite, was told to wait outside. I pulled out my phone to look at the time. It was 11pm. I sat down at a nearby chair and table and out of no where I was brought fries. 
"Boss, ordered for you," The guard stated.
I only nodded, slightly scared of this man and his so called boss. I looked at my fries and noticed a drink that came with it. It was some soda, I sipped on it a bit. Sprite, nice!

I ate my fries in silence as I drank Sprite. I was quite hungry. The drive here took two hours, no stops and no breaks. I had slept through most of it but woke up with an empty stomach. I saw the guard walking towards me so I stopped.
"You may go back inside," He said. 
I looked at my fries and back at him.
"Y-you may bring that too," He said.

I picked up the small basket of fries and my glass of Sprite, getting up in the process. I walk back to the room and didn't see my friends through the glass walls. Where had they gone? I felt a wash of fear. Did they leave me here? Nonetheless, I went inside, scared of what would happen if I didn't. The man on the sofa was laughing, he slowed it to a chuckle when he noticed me.

"Hello," He said.
"H-hi," I said.
I sat down and set my food and drink on the low table in front of me. 
"What's your name?" He asked.
"I'm Tord," I replied. 
"Do you know who I am?"
I shake my head, I had no idea who he was. 
"Call me Tom," He smiled.
The smile wasn't warm and sweet, it was more sinister and dangerous. 

"Where did my friends go?" I asked.
"Do you want me to be honest with you?" He asked.
"O-of course,"
"They got killed."
"Wh-what, when? Is this a joke?!" 
"While you were busy with your fries... are you hungry?"
"How will I get back home?!"
"I asked if you're hungry."
"Then we'll have dinner."
The man- I mean Tom gestured a finger and a servant came and brought meals one by one. It smelled so wonderful, I didn't realize how empty I really was. But how am I meant to go back home? Is he lying? Where are my friends? Why am I here having dinner with thi- Tom?

"Eat up then," Tom said.
"I-I will after you answer my questions," I said.
He chuckled, what's so funny?
"You reaaaaaaaaaaaaally don't know who I am huh?" He said, "I've killed hundreds of people who... disagree with me. Including your friends."
I shivered, I didn't want to ask about them anymore. I could hear my heart beat against my chest. This man is insane, completely crazy. What will happen to me? I just nodded.
"You're cute," Tom said suddenly.
I was caught off guard by that, I didn't expect that at all.
"Th-thank you," I said.
I felt a bit of warmth on my face, I don't know if it's from the compliment or from the fear of possibly dying. 

"Go ahead, ask on," Tom said, reaching for a fork and knife.
"What's going to happen to me?" I asked, this was my most important question.
"Well... since you know this place and who I am, I'd make you stay with me," He smiled.
"B-but what about my home?"
"You'll go back later, just to get your items."
"My job?"
"You'll work for me."
"What if I refuse?"
"You die."
"My house? My phone? My friends? My parents?"
"Sold, keep it, that's your problem and... I'll let you see them time to time. Eat now."

I gulped down my other questions that aren't as important. He was so straight forward, no fear to hurt anyone's feelings. How strange.
"Try this, it's good," Tom said.
I look up from my lap. He was holding something on his fork that was in front of me. I hesitated to eat from it. He used it after all. I don't want to get on his bad side or anything so I ate off of it. 
"Aww," He said.
He waved his hand to me and pat the spot next to him. I stood up and sat down where he wanted me to. 

"You'll be fun, won't you?" He tapped my chin.
"I-I don't know," I said.
"You're adorable," He smiled.
This time the smile was adoring but mocking. I examined his features. 

He had no eyes, this made him look more intimidating. He had handsome features but a terrifying personality. He wore light, comfortable clothing. Weird for someone who's doing business. He had long legs and strong arms. A gun was next to him on the sofa. Under it was a porn magazine. I blushed.

"What would my job be if I work for you?" I asked.
"Well... My assistant maybe," He responded. 
A few of his workers gasped. I don't know why, well I don't know many things at this point. 
"What would I have to do?" I questioned.
"You stay with me, help me and... have fun with me," He chuckled.
He pulled me close and I stiffened. 
"Relax, I won't kill you," He said.
He fed me food for about 10 minutes, not letting me eat myself. He did smell nice. 

*skip like- 5 months?*

Back to 3rd person P. O. V.

Tord was walking back to the club. He has had a good time with Tom. He loved him, more than he could imagine. He headed inside. No one looked at him anymore, aware of what would happen if they did. Tord jogged towards the glass room, swinging open the entrance. 
"Hey~" He said.
Tom was seated at his usual place, smiling one he saw the man. 
"Hey, sweetheart, I missed you," He kissed Tord's cheek.
Tord sat on his lap, looking at the men in front of him.
"Who're they?" He asked.
"Nobodies, you know what to do," Tom winked.
Tord giggled.

It was only a matter of minutes before the strangers were 'cleaned up'. 
"How was your day today, hmm?" Tom asked the Norwegian.
"It was good, I got the stuff," Tord pointed to a suitcase.
"Good boy," Tom kissed him.
They started making out in the room.

Tord whined when Tom touched a certain spot on Tord's hip.
"What's wrong, baby?" Tom asked, concerned.
"Nothing, I'm fine," Tord shook his head.
Tom rubbed the area he had touched. Tord winced when Tom added pressure to it.
"You're hurt," Tom furrowed his eyebrows.
"No, I'm okay," Tord held Tom's face with his hands.
But the Brit didn't falter, he began unzipping Tord's jeans pulling them down only slightly to check his hips. 
"Who the hell did this to you?" Tom growled.
"Some guy, when I was taking the case," Tord said.

Let's just say, the 'some guy's family and himself didn't end up staying alive :'D


(1461 words) 
this one wasn't very good at the end but it was a meh for me XD
Thank you for reading :'D

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