Lightning Before The Thunder

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Hello, lovely readers~
Just to torture you all from We Met At Sea I have a soft chapy requested by rainbows_suck!
I hope I did this right, sorry if I did it wrong ;-;
Anyway, enjoy!!!

Pitter. Patter. Pitter. Patter. The rain splattered against the windows of the house. Matt and Tom were seated on the red couch. They planned to go out that day but it started to rain so they stayed in. It was now 11:46 in the morning. Edd called everyone to the table to eat their lunch.
"Maaaaaaaaaaaatt, Toooooooooord, Toooooooooooom!! We're having lunch!!!" He called.
Matt rushed to the table hungry for food. Tom casually walked in like any normal person. Tord wasn't there yet. "Tord!!!" Matt called this time.
An audible sound was heard upstairs. It was the sound of the door closing. Tord appeared in at the foot of the stairs.
"Yeah?" He said tiredly.
"Lunch!" Matt exclaimed in excitement.
Tord simply nodded and sat down.

The four ate quietly, the rains pitters dominated the silence in the house. Tord finished and got up with his plate when a loud struck outside.
'CRACKLE, CRACKLE, BANG!' (idk, cringey as shit but ok-)
Tord screeched and his plate fell to the floor, sending pieces everywhere. He froze.
"Tord?... Are you okay?" Edd asked.
Tord moved to the side with his back still to his friends. His face was bright red from embarrassment.
"I-I'm fine," He said.
He swept the glass and threw it away, with his back still to them. Once he disposed of the broken pieces, he slowly turned around to meet the others. He met eyes with Tom and the eyeless male burst out laughing. Edd had a worried expression and Matt was snickering. Tord just sighed, his face still bright. He jogged back to the safety of his room and got back to what he was doing.

"Guys, that wasn't funny! He looked hurt," Edd said.
"He looked embarrassed to me!" Matt stated still giggling.
"That demon got so shook!" Tom managed to breathe out before laughing again.
"First, don't call Tord 'demon'. That's not nice. And second, everyone gets surprised by thunder," Edd said.
"But there's lightning, right?" Matt said.
"He just didn't see the lighting, okay Tom stop laughing. It wasn't even that funny." Edd raised his voice slightly to the Brit in blue.
Tom almost immediately stopped his laughing fit.
"Let's go watch a movie, guys!" Matt exclaimed excitedly.
He got up with his plate and placed it in the sink.
"C'mon, Tim and Edd!" He called.
"TOM, NOT TIM MY WEIRDASS COUSIN!!" Tom, you guessed it, yelled.
Edd just chuckled and took his and Tom's plate to the sink.
The trio sat on the sofa, one by one.
"Wait, how bout' Tord?" Edd asked.
"Could you go ask if he wants to watch with us?" Matt asked back.
Edd just hummed and stood up. He almost ran to Tord's room for the rest of Tom and Matt's horrible movie suggestions. He knocked on the door and heard a 'Come in'.

He saw a Norwegian under his red covers with his laptop, connected to a headset, probably watching porn or Netflix.
"Hey, Tord! Wanna watch a movie with us?" Edd offered.
"Uhh...No, thanks," Tord replied.
The man in green stood there for a moment before asking,
"Are you okay? After what happened I mean."
"Hm? Oh, yeah. I'm okay." Tord chuckled.
He was actually blasting music on his laptop to ignore the sounds of the rain and block out the occasional thunder.
"Oh, okay then. We'll be watching downstairs so join anytime!" Edd said.
With that, he left.
Tord tucked under the protection of his blankets and quietly listened to music while doing his work. Suddenly, he got a notification about the weather. It claimed that there might be a thunderstorm at night. He groaned.
"Screw weather!" He cursed.
He hated and was scared of thunder. He had a phobia called Astraphobia. The loud bang of the thunder was like fireworks but with dangerous explosives...and with the potential threat to land on you outside and, hello? Electrocute you! What kind of weapon is nature bringing to us? He depended on watching the lightning then covering his ears, awaiting the sound. He shuddered. A leader of a huge army with an unbeatable power, is afraid of thunder. His name was ironic too. Tord means thunder or lightning in his own mother tongue. He was afraid of his own name. He chuckled at this but went back to blasting music after another lightning strike.

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