The Pocky Game

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Don't judge but I think this game is frikin adorable. This is a short shot for your entertainment while I work on part 2 for Scarlet Skies. UwU
Do you count making out as nsfw? If you do, this is slight nsfw. (• ▽ •;)

It was another boring day in the household. Edd was out so Matt and Tom were watching TV while Tord was eating chips. Suddenly, the door burst open.
"IM BACK HOOOOOOOME!!!" Edd yelled.
"That door is going to break one day." Tord said.
"What'd you get, Edd?" Matt asked.
"There was a sale at the store for snacks soooooooooo y'know." Edd said.
He dropped three large bags filled with snacks.
"What the actual fuck? This has to be £120 or something." Tom said.
"50. This was all £50." Edd stated.
"The fuc–"
"LETS FEAST!" Matt cut Tom off.

One by one they pulled out a random snack, from snicker bars to Doritos and from candies to chips. Tord took the last box. It was chocolate Pocky.
"Aww, I wanted that!" Matt whined.
"Too bad." Tord smirked.
He opened the box and pulled out a stick, handing it to Matt.
"Didn't say I won't share though." Tord said.
Matt smiled and ate the treat from the other's hand.
"I've seen a game you can play with those! Why not try it out?" Edd asked.
He knew who Tord should do it with and what the outcome will be.
"How do you play it?" Tom asked.
"Two people will bite the two different sides of the Pocky and the have to eat it slowly until one pulls away!" Edd said.
"But it's pointless if there's no pri–" Tord was cut off.
"I'll give £10 to the winner." Edd stated.
Two rivals faced each other and glared.
"You and me." Tom said, pointing to Tord.
"Bring it!" The Norsk challenged.

Tord pulled a stick from the package and held onto one side of the treat. Tom bit the other side but paused when he realized how close they actually was. Tord smirked and took a giant bite from the Pocky. They were now only a few centimeters away. It was Tom's turn to bite. He hesitated before taking a very small nibble. The Norwegian then took even more space and their noses touched. Tom flushed at this but Tord didn't seem too bothered. The Brit carefully took a nibble. The two froze for a while. Tord inched his body closer and took the last bite. Their lips were nearly touching and only one piece was left before they touched. Tom was starting to sweat and he could see Tord was too. He didn't expect the eyeless Brit to stay this long.
"Screw it." Tom said between his teeth.

Tord's eyes widened but quickly shut his eyes. He felt a warm pair of lips touch his. He peeked through one of his eyes. Tom was holding onto Tord's lower body for balance. The slightly shorter male grabbed onto Tom's shoulders for support. He gripped the blue fabric tightly as he tried not to pull back. Tom bit Tord's lower lip to open his mouth but was denied. Tom reached his hand to the back of Tord's head and pushed it, causing Tord to gasp in surprise. He was muffled quickly by Tom. His tongue had successfully reached Tord's mouth. Tord was a blushing mess, his eyes were switching between open and closed. Their saliva were mixed and their tongues intertwined. It was getting hot. They were both holding their breath for so long. Although, they did have a little gasp for air earlier.

Finally, Tord pulled away leaving a trail of saliva down his mouth. After a few moments of silence, Tom chuckled.
"I win." He snickered.
"You little shit." Tord insulted.
He brushed his hair with his hand to let the sweat cool. His face was red and he was looking away.

Tom looked to the side to see Matt and Edd with a camera. It seems they were the paparazzi. They were obviously trying not to make any sound during that awkward moment.
"Fuck you guys." Tom groaned.
The two finally laughed.
"We took so many pictures." Matt said.
"This is totally going into the TomTord book." Edd stated.
"The what what book?" Tom asked.
"Nothing!" Edd said quickly.
Edd giggled and pulled out 10 pounds from his wallet, handing it to Tom.
"Right." Tom chuckled.


(736 words)


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