Some Sort Of Goodbye A/N

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Dear reader,

Hello wow it's been 5000000 years-

I am most likely not going to continue writing, IM SO SO SORRY-

I just feel like my writing isn't good and I'm not confident in it akajajajajajajakskk
Whenever I finish writing something and i reread it, it feels so horrid like "HELLL NOOOO". This repeats every time so- it's an endless loop of my time being wasted and your hopes for a new chapter being washed away. I promise more and more yet not publish anything!

I'll try to do requests, however I cannot guarantee some of them if they're too difficult cUS MMM YA-

I'm free to converse with on my discord:


I spend a lot of my time there speaking with people so please feel free to just friend me and let me know who you are!
I would love love LOVE to talk with you! My username will never change and so will my love for you all ;9

I'm not sure if I'll be able to write again.
If I am, I think I'll make a new account and leave this one so I can refresh myself 😭

Thank you so very much for supporting me ❤️
I can't thank you enough for everything :(
There are no words powerful enough to describe how grateful I feel for all of you. I'm seriously so thankful that I would (if I could) just hug each of you. While crying. And all my tears soaking into your clothes. Yes.

I say thank you to you all countless times, in many chapters and in my books, but I really hope you truly understand how thankful I am for you.

Once again, I thank you.

Love and Regards,

Tomtord OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now