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Dabi was currently eating his breakfast when he heard the tv from the front desk go off,the court case-Toga's court case to be exact. 

"Their fucking sentencing her as an adult."Dabi mumbled under his breath in disbelief.As Dabi said this two alpha officers walked by and started laughing.

"No duh there sentencing the little freak as an adult, if she can kill so many people it's obvious she knows what she doing."One of the officers stated before elbowing his fellow officer slightly with a laugh.

"You don't know shit don't call her freak only I can taunt her like that."Dabi spat out, his scent was coming off as annoyed.The officer who spoke up looked at his partner than let out another laugh as his own scent changed to challenging alpha.

"Stupid omega don't ever talk to an alpha like that know your place.Your lucky if she even makes it out of prison before she's forty."Dabi looked away not responding, angering the officer even more,the officer then took this as another challenge and spoke up yet again.

"Hopefully you get stuck in jail long enough to teach you some manners,hey maybe you'll find an alpha who like's damaged goods just like the rest of the league."Now that pissed Dabi off,he turned his head slightly glaring at the officer letting his own scent reach the two's noses before speaking.

"When I get out of jail and believe me I will,I'll make sure to incinerate you and anyone who knows you, trust me your gonna be just as damaged when I'm done with you...that is if you live."

"Are you threatening an officer?"Ok great, Dabi thought now he's trying to play the authority card he's done,fuck society he's going to make it out he knows Shigaraki has a plan he's just got to wait it out.Then he can try again.Then he can kill Enji and finally have peace.Dabi turned back around and made his way to the uncomfortable mattress in the cell ignoring the officers all together as he attempted to listen to the trial taking place.

As time pasted Dabi hated what he was hearing Toga sounded defeated as she was questioned when the jury finally came up with an outcome for Toga..Dabi was in shock they were gonna help her-that's good,Toga deserves a second chance more than anyone.Why was their yelling wait that sounded like..huh,Hawks pup.

Later that night as Dabi was staring up at the ceiling he felt his clit squeeze and then-shit!Heat!Dabi was quick to reach for the suppressants the nurses had given him and quickly swallowed the pill dry.Dabi slowly began to calm down as he felt the sensation of wanting to be filled go away he laid his head back and took a deep breath that was close he usually had someone keeping track of his heat like Shiagraki reminding him a week prior when he woke up and tried to make breakfast early in the morning.Or Hawks when he seen Dabi at a meeting..flashes of burned skin not his own started to flare through his mind singed feathers chocked screams of pain.

Dabi covered his head with the pillow the jail provided and let out a groan as he turned slightly around as if to block the world out.Then he felt something he should take care of the slick in between his thighs.This time he let out a groan in annoyance as he quickly moved and attempted to shimmy out of his jumpsuit enough to clean out the slick with the toilet paper in the cell when he was done he made his way back to the bed and stared at the two other suppressants in his hand.Something stayed on his mind before he fell asleep leaving a disgusting taste in his mouth the thought of having an alpha or being mated to an alpha at the moment was strong.It made him disgusted but why the hell's that..?His omega couldn't still want-he couldn't.

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