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"ARE YOU SURE about this?" Liz asked her youngest daughter as she closed the car's trunk.

Morgan took a deep breath and nodded. "I have to go mom. I need to find Jane-Anne Deveraux. She'll will be able to help me."

"Okay." Liz's voice cracked and she engulfed her daughter in hug. "I want you to call me as soon as you get there, alright?"

"I will, mom." Morgan answered and puller apart. She wiped a few tears off her cheek and turned to Caroline, who stood next to Liz while picking her cuticles.

"Do you really need to go?" The vampire questioned her sister's decision one more time.

Morgan nodded. "I need a fresh start, Care. I can't..." her voice broke and she quickly looked down. "I can't be here. Not anymore. Not with them." Caroline nodded slowly, understanding that Morgan was officially done with Elena Gilbert and this town. "And I need to find out why that... explosion happened." The word left a funny taste on her mouth.

Morgan decided to listen to Aiyana and leave Mystic Falls as soon as she could. She could not be in that place anymore. Not after the love of her life died there. Not after people she used to love plotted his death.

Jeremy had come to her, explaining that Bonnie had casted a spell on him and got a hold of his will. He had no idea what he was doing. The two agreed to meet each other in New Orleans as soon as possible, after Jeremy guided his sister to the cure.

After telling Liz and Caroline what Aiyana had told her, they came into an agreement to let her go to New Orleans. Her mom was reluctant at first, but after receiving the word of a certain Original to help Morgan out, she agreed to let her daughter go. Caroline still wasn't very found of letting her sister go but Morgan assured she would call her everyday and they could visit whenever they wanted.

So there Morgan Forbes was, packing the car to leave her hometown.

"I love you guys." Her voice cracked while hugging both her mom and sister at the same time. "I'll call as soon as I get there, okay?" Liz and Care both nodded.

"Bye." The Forbes vampire waved her hand weakly.

And with that, Morgan entered the car and sat on the passenger's seat.

"Ready?" Elijah's voice rang through her ears.

She looked out of the window to her house.

"I don't think I'll ever be."

His lips turned into an apologetic smile and he started the car.

"Did you tell your sibling where we're going?" The Original shook his head negatively.

"I don't think Niklaus and Rebekah would be very pleased knowing we're heading to New Orleans without them." He explained, recalling his family's history in Louisiana.

Morgan nodded, before turning her eyes to the rearview mirror and watching as her mother and sister's reflections diminished.

And on that moment, she wondered what the Universe had prepared for her in New Orleans.

But she didn't look back.

The End

⋆ The End ⋆

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Author's notes:


I'm truly having a hard time believing this book is officially over. Like, WHAT?

I don't have enough words to describe how grateful I am for each and every single one of you guys who have sticked from the beginning to the end of this story. From the bottom of my heart, thank you, for the patience, for the kind comments, for voting and for giving me the motivation to do what I love, which is writing.

I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.

I love you all so much and I will see you very soon.

Lots of love

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