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"GO AHEAD, MAKE a move." Jeremy provoked Matt.

"I drove up here to be your wingman, not kick your ass." The Donovan boy replied.

At the moment, Morgan found herself sitting on a bench in front of the Gilbert lake house. Jeremy and Matt were practicing fight while Damon stood in the pier listen to what seemed to be a voicemail and the Forbes girl held a book in her hands.

"Argh." A loud bump and Matt's grunts caught Morgan's attention. "Okay, I get it. Your a badass." He chocked out as Jeremy pinned him to the ground.

"Did you see that?" The Gilbert boy asked proudly, referring to him knocking Matt.

"Couldn't miss it." Damon responded, taking his eyes off the lake with a sarcastic look. "It was in slow motion."

"Then teach me teach useful." The Hunter-wannabe spread his arms out. "We've been here for days and so far all you've done is bark orders."

Damon frowned.

The Forbes girl closed her book with a loud thud and sighed. "Well, I've only been here for a couple of hours." Jeremy rolled his eyes.

After she had met Aiyana in her sleep on her birthday, Kol told her about what Rebekah said regarding a possible cure to vampirism. The couple agreed that it would be best if they returned, seeing that Kol was already familiar with this Silas person Morgan was told about, and he agreed that they couldn't let anyone wake him up. The only piece of the puzzle missing was what had the cure had to do with Silas.

Morgan insisted on staying with Jeremy and Damon, since she doubted anyone actually cared about how the Gilbert boy was feeling, knowing he was their only chance to get to the cure. So there the Forbes girl was, at the lake house, keeping an eye out for Jeremy and hoping Damon and his temper wouldn't rip off her best friends head if he got frustrated that Jer had only be doing this for five minutes.

"Okay." The Salvatore nodded. "Take a sit at the bench quarterback. Karate Kid wants a shot at the title." He held a wooden stake in his hands and started to pace to where Jeremy and Matt stood.

"Jeremy, you're not ready for this." Matt argued and Morgan had to agree, but the Gilbert boy just gave them a reassuring nod as he caught the stake in the air.

Matt sat next to Morgan. "He's going to get himself killed." The Donovan boy commented in a low voice.

Morgan nodded. "That's most likely." The duo directed their attention back to the vampire and the hunter.

Damon spread out his arms. "Well?"

Jeremy took out with the stake positioned for attack, but before he even had the chance to do anything, Damon got out of the way and using his vampire speed, he held Jer by the throat. "Now, all I have to do is apply a little pressure under your jaw."

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