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FIVE DAYS. That's how long Morgan Forbes stayed unconscious.

After Mikael brutally sliced her throat, Klaus Mikaelson made sure to take her home, heart racing at the thought of his brother's soulmate not miraculously waking up like she usually did. He knocked at the Forbes' residency, carefully adjusting Morgan in his arms. When Liz Forbes laid eyes on her youngest daughter unconscious and covered in blood, she was speechless for a few seconds. She yelled for Caroline to hurry to the front door and help her put Morgan in her bed. Caroline didn't leave her side for a single moment.

If you asked Kol Mikaelson what he felt on the next two days where Morgan still showed no sign of coming back to life, you'd be answered with nothing but silence (he'd probably rip off your throat too, if we're being honest). The Original couldn't bring himself take his eyes off the blonde girl as he waited impatiently. He called her name, pleaded to all the gods, spirits and witches he knew in his entire life to let Morgan live. She didn't deserve to die. It wasn't fair, he thought.

On the third day, which was the day of Caroline's birthday, the older sister sat by Morgan's bed and read to her one of her books. The blonde vampire didn't bother to get to school for the first two periods and didn't answer her calls when Bonnie and Elena called her, wondering where she was. Kol smiled at the sight of Caroline taking care of her sister, but still, he couldn't shake off the feeling of worry at the bottom of his stomach. On that same day, after the small celebration Elena, Matt and Bonnie planed for Care's birthday, when the Donovan boy brought her home after being bitten by Tyler Lockwood, the new transitioned hybrid did the only thing he could possibly think of. He called Klaus Mikaelson and begged him to give the eldest Forbes sister his blood.

The Original Hybrid was invited in and gladly gave her his blood. Leaving a birthday present of Caroline's night stand, he was ready to leave, but couldn't help himself on taking a small glimpse at Morgan's room. No need to say that he was disappointed to see she was still out. Later on that evening, Klaus snuck up into her room through her window, and used his vampire gifts to penetrate the Forbes' girl mind, in order to give her the sweetest dreams. Kol tensed up at first, seeing his brother holding Morgan's hand and closing his eyes in concentration, but after a few minutes, a small smile appeared on his face, realizing what Niklaus was doing.

When the fourth day came, Jeremy Gilbert visited her. He talked to her, said he was leaving town and that he'd come back and would find a way to drag her ass back from death if he didn't receive a call from her reassuring she was fine in a few days. On that same day on night time, Kol found himself being suddenly filled with darkness, the thing that happened every time the dagger was removed from his chest. Hope filled him in, but soon it vanished away when reappeared on Morgan's room as a spirit with a frown, wondering if someone had pulled the dagger off him for a brief moment.

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