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surprise update

surprise update

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THE ANNOYING SOUND of a phone ringing slowly crept its way into Morgan's ears. She groaned, and without opening her eyes, tried to reach out to her bedside table to turn the device off. Except that the phone wasn't by her side but resting on top of her drawers. On the other side of her room.

She groaned again, opening her eyes just to close them again due to the clarity invading the room. After slowly getting used to the lighting, she ripped the covers off her and got up, making her way to the ringing phone.

"Are you kidding me?" She mumbled as the device stopped to ring just as she reached it. A frown fell upon her face as she saw 17 missed calls.

Rebekah had called her six times.

four missed calls from Bonnie;

two from Stefan;

four calls from Jeremy;

and one from Klaus.

She wrinkled her brows!and was about to call Jeremy back when Caroline bursted into her room.

"Where's Kol?" Those were the first words that came out of her sister's mouth.

Morgan took a look around, wondering how she didn't realize her boyfriend wasn't there anymore. "I don't know. Why?" She wondered why he'd sneak out.

Caroline sighed and shifted from one foot to another. "He tried to kill Bonnie."

Morgan's blue eyes went wide.

"What? He did what?" She inquired.

"She just told me. They're all trying to get to you to ask if you know where he might've gone."

The younger sister shook her head. "I'll try to call him..."

Caroline offered her an apologetic smile and was about to leave the room when she turned around, her hand already on the doorknob.

"Okay, just because your boyfriend has gone on a psychotic killing spree doesn't mean you won't help me pick out a dress for tonight's dance."

Morgan let out a small chuckle and followed her sister out of the room, not noticing the folded paper sheet resting on the top of her drawers with her name on it.


A few hours later, and what felt like thousands of possible outfits later as well, Morgan found herself in her living room, still trying to contact Kol, who apparently did not know the purpose of having a phone.

Where are you?

Why would you try to kill Bonnie?

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