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THE AMOUNT OF things that had happened in the small time that Morgan and Kol had returned to Mystic Falls were unbelievable. Esther possessed Rebekah.
Alaric became an Original Vampire Hunter thanks to mamma Mikaelson invading Bonnie's mind. Caroline got kidnapped and tortured. Bonnie performed a spell to stop Jeremy's heart in an attempt to detain Alaric. Failed. The discover that Ric's life was tied to Elena's. The Salvatores succeeding in dissecting Klaus' body and were ready to throw him in the ocean. Oh, and there was an indestructible white oak stake also known as the Mikaelson exterminator.
Morgan found it rather comic as she thought of how could so many things go so wrong in so little time.

The youngest Forbes girl found herself at the Mikaelson mansion with Elijah, Rebekah and Kol at the moment.

"This is rackless. And pointless!" Rebekah massaged her temples as Elijah told them about his plan. "They hate us, so tell me, why would they help?"

"Because if Niklaus dies, they die as well." Elijah responded while adjusting his suit. "Trust me, Rebekah, they will help."

"And then what? You're all just going to... run?" Morgan cocked her head to the side.

"We will run." Kol corrected, Morgan throwing him an puzzled look. "Oh yes, you're coming with us, love." He nodded.

Elijah lifted his chin. "Morgan will come with us if that's her will." He paused. "But for now we stick to the plan."

"It's a stupid plan." Rebekah repeated herself.

"Yeah, I have to agree with Bekah." Morgan said.

"Thank you!" The blonde Original threw her arms out. "Finally someone with brains."

"It'll work." Elijah assured them, making his way to leave the house.

"Let's hope so." Kol murmured before throwing an arm around Morgan's shoulder and kissing her temple.


"Elijah's in position with Caroline and Kol's getting everything ready for us to go." The Original sister informed Morgan and put the phone away in her back pocket. "All we have to do is get Nik's body."

"Like Damon will make that easy task." The Forbes girl tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"I'm glad you decided to come with us, Morg. It'll be nice to have you around." Rebekah smiled at her. "Us girls have got to stick together."

Morgan nodded in agreement. "These men have already caused us enough trouble." She added, Rebekah snorting in response before the elevator stopped on the floor Damon had texted them to meet.

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