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TWIGS AND BRANCHES scraped the girl's arms as she tried to protect her face from being harmed as she ran. Her limbs felt mushy and her heart pounded heavily on her chest and on that moment, Morgan wished she hadn't been wearing a jacket. A thin lay of sweat covered her body and the air felt thick and heavy.

After the vampires started to wake up, Jeremy protested against Klaus and Damon's... methodology. But a simple threat of compelling the vampires to kill Matt coming from the Hybrid made the Hunter in training quickly change his mind.

So there Morgan Forbes was, running away from a bunch of newbie vampires transformed by her boyfriend's psychotic brother.

Then, the sound of heavy steps behind her abruptly stopped. Morgan let out a breath in relief and rested her back against a large tree, using her knees to support herself as she bended down in an attempt to catch her breath and not faint.

Her eyes scanned the area in search for any hungry vampires, but she came upon nothing but trees and bushes and leaves. Morgan bit her bottom lip as she slowly started to make her way out of the woods.

Everything was quiet except for the sound of her own blood running in her ears. She tried to calm herself down, but the panicked feeling that at anytime a vampire would jump at her was just too frightened. Morgan cursed herself for not bringing the baseball bat.

She took a few more steps and felt her heart skip a beat until her at the following scene: Matt sat against a tree with his hand clutching a spilling-blood wound while Jeremy kneeled beside him. A dead vampire with a arrow coming out of his back laid limply next to the boys.

Morgan couldn't make out what they were saying, and clearly, neither of them were actually paying attention to their surroundings; Matt too busy in pain and Jeremy worrying for his friend. So neither of them realized that a few feet away, a she-vampire watched them with hunger in her eyes.

'Shit!' Morgan's inner voice cursed. 'Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!' She cursed even harder when she eyed the vampire taking careful steps towards the distracted boys.

The blonde look around desperately, searching for a something to help her out.

'Where are Alaric's stakes when you need them?!' She chewed the skin around her nail in nervousness. And then, her eyes landed on a large branch on the ground. 'This will have to do.'

Carefully, Morgan took the branch in her hands and approached the vampire from behind in light steps. Surprisingly, the woman didn't hear her, probably too focused on getting herself fed.

Morgan adjusted her sweaty palms grasp around the branch, taking a deep breath while she got closer to her target. And in swift maneuver, she impaled the vampire with it.

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