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"THIS IS MY LIFE NOW. I have climbed this hill and now I will die upon it." Morgan mumbled

"Shut up. We've only been hiking for 20 minutes." Stefan shushed her.

"Bite me." Getting her hair up in a ponytail.

"Oh I would." The youngest Salvatore sarcastically said while adjusting Ray's limp body in his arms. "But he won't let me. And our friends would kill me if I did."

With a huff breath she rolled her eyes and picked up her pace, passing Stefan.

They were currently at the Smoky Mountains looking for Ray Sutton's pack. Klaus' urge to find werewolves was now starting to get on Morgan's nerve: she tolerated the torturing and killing during the entire summer and even helped them figure it out where to go next, but now he was making her hike mountains and be stung by mosquitoes? That she could not put up with.

"Are we even close?" She asked Klaus.

"Relax, love. We're almost there."

"You said that seven mosquitoes ago!" She complained.

"Eight, actually." Kol corrected her as he watched another insect sucking the blood from her leg.

Klaus rolled his eyes. "You okay?" He asked Stefan. "Is Ray getting heavy?"

"I'm fine." He shift the weight of the dead body he was carrying.

"You sure about that?" Klaus insisted. "You know, we've been walking for quite some time now. If you need some water or a little sit-down..."

"We have water?" Morgan asked in disbelief. "I'm dying! Give me some!"

"You know, I get that we're, uh... we're stuck together, but if we could maybe just skip the chitchat, it'd be great." Stefan looked at Klaus in annoyance.

"Give me water!" The blonde chocked out and Klaus tossed a bottle over to her.

"So much brooding." The two vampires stopped as the girl perched herself on a tree and desperately drank the liquid. "Your self-loathing is suffocating you, my friend."

"Maybe it's cause I'm a little tired of hunting werewolves." Stefan shot back. "We've been at it all summer." Morgan agreed with a nod as she threw Klaus the empty bottle.

"Thanks to our pal Ray, we've found ourselves a pack." The hybrid nodded in a direction ahead of them. "There."

Stefan threw a look at Morgan and made his way to where Klaus indicated. As he walked ahead into the camp, everyone looked at him, as he dumped Ray's body on the ground. The group had shocked looks on their faces and a woman ran and crouched at Ray's side.

"Ray! Oh, my God! What's going on?" She demanded and looked at Stefan. "Who are you?"

Then Klaus vanished from Morgan's side using his vampire speed, leaving the girl all alone while he dealed with the werewolves.

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