Ch 6 - Changed

121 5 6

  Warnings/Triggers : self-harm

- We couldn't find him. No traces. It's like he evaporated or something.

  Joohoon's mood dropped below his tolerable degree of anger, any lower and it will be the mood to kill someone. As if sensing that, Joohoon uttered with the quietest voice possible, somehow still trying to hold back his anger.

- Leave.

  One word, cause his eyes couldn't be seen through his locks (not like anyone dared to look him in his eyes though), just this one word made them tremble and already praying for their life. Thanks God the word itself meant hope, so all the boys scatter away immediately, almost tripping over their own feet.

  Joohoon was angry – that was an understatement. He has control over everything, especially his emotions and now he was on the edge to loose it. No, he already lost it.

  He kicked with his leg the closest thing to him, that was not a box but an entire column of heavy-looking boxes. All of it went flying so high and fast that it met the opposite upper wall and even the ceiling, with such a loud bump like the entire wall just crushed.

  Unfortunately the kick wasn't enough to still his ire even for a bit, so Joohoon was about to make his second attempt but now the noticeable door caught his attention. He didn't expect anything, but something was screaming inside to open it and he did, only to find his reason of nearly going crazy right there. Jiwook, half dressed, barely breathing was on the floor, which was spread with pills all over. Bare overwhelming horror struck Joohoon at the sight, for a moment he was living anew a dreadful scene from his past, that he tried to bury deep inside for many years; his body and mind both frozen, even his heart seemed to come to a stop. An almost invisible tremble of Jiwook's eyelashes pulled Joohoon out of his numbness and made him finally move.

- Jiwook!

  He threw himself on his knees lifting the younger carefully and checking his breathing.

- You're alive, said, better say, whispered Joohoon and tightened his grip, holding Jiwook closer to himself almost in an embrace.

The sudden warmth reached the younger and a quiet painful sigh left his lips. He was still trembling from cold though at the same time his all body was burning.

  Joohoon softly put Jiwook on the sofa and wrapped him in his jacket. The younger looked more like a living corpse than an alive person, that it made Joohoon's hand shiver. The sight he got when he found up Jiwook made him unusually alarmed. It was too familiar. He took quickly his phone, planning to call an ambulance, but a weak grip on his shirt stopped him.

- D...don't... tell a..nyone, struggled to whisper Jiwook among his short breaths that he was trying to make. With all his left strength Jiwook was fighting to not pass out again. Not before he would hear Joohoon's reply. The elder was conflicted for a moment. He saw Jiwook's despair for an affirmative answer, he also knew why the other asked him that, but to not call for help in that case could mean death for the younger. Joohoon's whole expression darkened. He frowned in visible disagreement but still gave the answer Jiwook wanted so much to hear.

  - Okay. I will not call the ambulance, said he, while dropping the call at once.

  A faint smile that was nothing more than a barely visible move of the younger's lips upwards, came instead of words and with it Jiwook passed out.

- Jiwook... Jiwook, called back Joohoon but he couldn't wake him up again.

  He hurriedly listed through his contacts and took another call.

Love of a SinnerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon