Ch 24 - Void

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- Faster... Drive faster.

Even though Min Siwoon was already beyond the speed limit, he listened to and added more gas. How could he not, that even without other words or even without looking, he could feel, no, he could barely withstand the raging force that boiled beside him.

Joohoon didn't shout, nor moved, he didn't even breathe properly. He kept everything inside, as if accumulating every bit of strength for that one moment, like a ticking bomb set to explode at the needed time.

Both Min Siwoon and Han Siwon were fearing that their choice to rush over there, only them three, was reckless and straight ahead stupid. Even so, they couldn't not go.

The thorough search of the people that Joohoon ordered to look into the whole area where Jiwook was lastly spotted, had unsurprisingly brought great results. They found a car's black box that recorded how three build-up men knocked him down, kidnapped and took him in a black car. They gave it to the police right away, to find more clues, as well as showed the messages they found on Han Siwon's phone. Cause it was proved to be a kidnapping, the police took finally the case seriously and began an emergency search.

They followed the car on CCTV, but lost the track in the outskirts of the city, with more than ten possibilities of their route. The car's registration number was fake as well and they couldn't find its owner. The same with the unknown number, it seemed it was a virtual number covered by a non-Korean telephony platform, which they needed weeks to find out. They dispatched teams to search through the last known area of the car and try a few routes. They did what they could, but everything was pointless, it took far too much time.

And they needed to find him within the day. There were already over 24 hours since Jiwook's kidnapping and Joohoon could no longer keep his tension under control. The sense of urgency was killing him, literally, burning him from inside.

He was about to go search blindly there as well, but Min Siwoon stopped him, telling him they would receive a lead very soon. It seemed Siwoon was more than just anxious of that situation. He understood that if not for Jiwook that went instead of Han Siwon, he would be now in Joohoon's place. Even the thought threw him in cold chills and blind panic. During the time the other two were at the police, he pulled some strings (along with more than half of his emergency money) and found an underground hacker, a professional in that field.

It took roughly 2 hours to find the Vietnam platform and grasp the kidnapper's real number, who was more cautious and clever than they thought. They used a non-trackable old cellphone and were making calls seldom and to the same few numbers.

They needed to call, but the most important thing was for the kidnapper to certainly answer for the hacker to be able to localize him. So they couldn't risk to call him themselves. The hacker thought of a solution and got one of his helpers to speak Vietnamese, to fake a worker of a Vietnamese network company.

The kidnapper picked the call, though just for mere seconds, to find out who called him and after that to cut 'em off and hang up. The woman that talked was rather skilled with nice voice too, she successfully dragged the call a bit longer and that way, they gained their exact location. Thanks God.

It was 1 hour away from the city, half if they hit on gas like crazy. The destination was an old factory, which renovation was currently held down, the whole area wild and unsupervised. Even the police needed time till they'd reach that place.

- Let's tell the police to come.

Han Siwon was restless, so he had to ask that.

- We can't explain how we got the location, replied Min Siwoon right away.

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