Ch 12 - Their Honesty

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- Ugh!

Jiwook's eyes trembled. He had yet to open his eyes, drowsy from sleep and tiredness, but something unusually heavy was pressing him down, squeezing all the air out of him. He couldn't move a muscle, as the overweight was making him paralyzed and unable to move.

"A bear?"

With his sluggish mind, he thought of one possibility that seemed close to impossible, but very plausible at that moment, given the crushing heaviness on top of him.

- Ugh!

He tried to crawl himself out from under it, but all his efforts were in vain. It was easier to move a mountain than that bear(?).

"What the f*ck?"

Jiwook finally opened lazily his eyes, sizing with it what exactly was keeping him pinned in one spot.

His puffy eyes rose in shock.

There stretched next to him, better said on top of him, a pile of hard muscles thrown flat over him, a strong arm locking his neck, a leg cuffing his own, soft breathing tickling his hair from above - all of it belonged to none other than to Joohoon.

"Yeah, a bear dammit."

He closed his eyes back, a face that said "I-am-done-for" dropped as a result.


He tried to go back to sleep, but now he was so very aware of everything that was Joohoon. His lips that were kissing his hair, locks drowning in his warm breathing, his nose that nuzzled softly there as well. His bare arm that touched slightly the edge of his cheek and chin, smooth comforting heartbeats pouring right in his left ear. His firm muscles on his stomach and leg stirred dangerously his imagination.


What a sweet torture.

Not that he didn't want to, but if that continued, he could find himself in a rather compromised situation.

With a heavy heart he decided to try and squirm himself out of the elder's hold.

Not the best choice.

- Hmm.

Joohoon let out a muffled sigh in disapproval and tightened his hold, pushing Jiwook even closer to him, the younger facing now his Adam's apple and broad shoulders. It looked like Joohoon was planning to (un)consciously sandwich him like that at least for as long as he'll wake up.

"No way! For real?!"

Jiwook felt his heartbeat jumping at rushing speed, his face hot from the teasing closeness, butterflies going wild in his stomach. Now he was practically floating in Joohoon's strong embrace, his every muscle vibrating from tension and nervousness. Invaded by the elder's cotton warmth, that melted his skin, maybe even his bones, the flustered Jiwook could just comply entirely to Joohoon and fill his heart with that warmth.

A hand moved behind him, cupping his head and gently stroking his hair like a puppy's fur, making it unruly and messy.

Jiwook could feel Joohoon's smile on the top of his head, a frizzling sensation flashed through him.

"His awake, isn't he?"

The thought that the elder would do all of that being clearly awake, made him far more flustered and above all, almost childish delighted.

He loved that even.

He snickered thinking that, dampening his smile in Joohoon's chest.

"Ah, how silly." - thought Jiwook of himself and savored that precious moment, wishing for it to last even a little longer.

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