Ch 18 - Together pt. 1

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- Come here.

Joohoon sat on the bench, with his back leaning on the side of the small alcove in the city park, where they hided to avoid the rain and to be in a quieter place. He pulled the shivering Jiwook close to him; from behind he covered him entirely with his large body and arms, sheltering him from cold and all the dangers of the world.

Honestly he would have brought him home ages ago and would warm him in a more efficient way, but Jiwook was too stubborn for his own sake.

The younger, now small and crouched under the weight of his upper body and the comfort of his embrace, didn’t shiver anymore and was slowly recovering his warmth, his neck and ears a faint tint of red, and perhaps his cheeks too.

Joohoon came to adore this side of Jiwook so much, that now he had trouble controlling his urge to have a taste of it, literally. He lowered his head and dropped his lips on the younger’s nape, making him flinch back; he rested his face there just like that, as if wanting to inhale Jiwook’s toxic scent and warmth, which so effectively clouded his mind.

God, he was a lost case already.

In the quietness of the falling rain, that became weaker somehow along the way, two strings of heartbeats were now resonating together, one faster than the other, the other louder than the first. At this point it was impossible to tell which was whose.

Jiwook took a deep sigh trying to still it at least a bit, his hands cupping the can with warm tea that Joohoon bought for him, the sleeves of the elder’s jacket way too big, that just the tips of his fingers were seen.

The elder was nuzzling at his neck and hair and he found it lovely and adorable seeing the always composed Joohoon needing like that, just like a big puppy. He leaned in and cuddled closer in the elder’s embrace.

It was so comforting.

More than that, it felt so familiar, so… right. Felt like home. The place where you feel cared for and secure, with no demands or expectations from you. Unconditionally loved.

That was Lee Joohoon for him.

And him, he wanted to become that person’s home as well.

Maybe one day he would.

- What are you thinking about?
Joohoon asked, half his face still drowning in the younger’s hair, his breath hot against the other’s skin, tickling his ears.
Jiwook giggled.
- About many things.
- Hm -s that so.

Joohoon’s words were muffled and it sounded just way too cute.

Jiwook giggled again.

- What is it?

“Wondering why are you so cute.”, thought Jiwook but said instead:

- It feels just strange. You, me. Us. Here, right now… I always wonder if it’s just a dream.

- Why? Are you afraid to wake up from it?

- … this too. Though it’s too good even for a dream. Dreams are cold and pointless. But now, it feels so warm and… important. Like we’ll never return to this moment ever again.
Joohoon squeezed his hold on Jiwook a bit tighter, as if afraid that the younger would disappear right before him.

Yeah indeed a strange feeling.

Something similar to when you have that inexplicable sensation that you forgot something very important, but have no idea what exactly and where.
- You don’t plan to run away again, do you?
- No. No way. I can’t anymore.
Jiwook smiled in defeat, his lips plump and curved slightly in a small pout. Then he added, mumbling his words as for himself.
- Not from you…
Of course Joohoon heard it, a content smiled stretched on his face.
- Aren’t you cute?, said he back, slid a hand in the younger’s hair and ruffled it gently, not without slipping a few light kisses on top of it.
Jiwook’s answer was another string of ticklish chuckles.
That very moment he felt the need to pour his heart to Joohoon and also had that God-knows-from-where certainty that the elder would calmly listen to him, take in everything Jiwook wanted to say and maybe even accept him and his faults.
What a priceless feeling.
- Hyung…
Joohoon just quietly hummed further, sign for him to continue.
- I wanted to say for a while still… I’m sorry Joohoon. Sorry for what happened at that time. Sorry for stealing your photo and for using you for my “revenge”. Ha - his smile turned bitter and forced – I was such a rotten jerk then, caring just for my own ass.

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