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*that is Karoline McKinley*
It had been a full week. I hadn't eaten in a week. I felt good, too. I mean, no one noticed, so it was all good. I visited Zack everyday and helped with the nursery as much as I could. Little Karoline was due very soon. She could come tomorrow. I was really excited for her. Her baby shower is today, or her second one. I got little Karoline a bunch of outfits and bows. I got her shoes and a nameplate to go on the wall as well. I put all the gifts in the back of my car and headed over to their house. I was going to help set up for the shower. Zack was weak, and Amelia could barely walk. I was going to do it. It was gonna be good.
I drove over to their house and knocked on the door. A very pregnant Amelia opened the door. She smiled and let me in. I put the presents by the door and went into the living room. All the stuff to decorate was in there already. I walked over to the door and pulled out a table. I covered it in a grey table cloth, then put all the favors we made on there. They were bottles with candy in it. I went back into the living room and put up all the decoration we bought and made.
A couple of hours later, everything was done. It was all ready to go. The guests would be here in an hour. Amelia and I helped Zack into the living room. He was a little lighter than last time I had helped him around. I knew it was the cancer, at least he wasn't on chemo this time. I sat him on the end of the couch, and Amelia sat next to him.
"Y'all ready for the party?" I asked.
"Of course. I have been waiting all week. We are actually really excited," Zack said.
"You ready to see your little girl?" I asked.
"More than anything."
"I am going to get some water," I smiled. I got up, and my knees wouldn't hold me. I grabbed onto the wall.
"Kar, are you okay?" he asked.
"I am fine. I got up to fast. It's fine."
"Are you sure?" Amelia asked.
"I am really fine, you guys. I just got up too fast. My blood pressure must be low. It's really common for anorexics, even ones who are recovered or in recovery."
"Alright. Do you need something to eat?" Amelia asked.
"No. I ate before I came actually," I smiled. It had gotten so easy to lie again.
"Alright. Well, thanks for helping us set up."
"No problem. It's my pleasure," I said, "I will be right back."
"Alright," Amelia smiled. I walked to the front of their house. I sat down on the floor. My head was spinning. I got in my bag, got out some ibuprofen, and swallowed it dry. I sat there for a few minutes and then went into the kitchen. I got down a glass and got some water. I went and sat back down.
"Guests will be here in around forty-five minutes."
"Alright, that's good. You're ready, right? We can cancel the whole thing," Amelia said, looking at Zack.
"No, it's fine. I am fine. I have been conserving energy for this. I can do it. I can't stand or anything, but other than that, I can handle it."
"Okay, baby. Just if you need me, call me over."
"I will, I promise."
"Okay. Karoline, I am going to take a shower. Will you help me with my hair and makeup?"
"Of course, I love doing stuff like that," I smiled. She nodded, and got up from the couch. She waddled into her room, and I looked over at Zack. He looked at me all funny.
"Kar, you would tell me if you had a relapse. Your cheeks are sunken in. Your family is with you, so they probably don't notice. Hell, you come here everyday. I can notice, barely, but it's happening. What's up, baby girl?"
"Nothing. I am fine. Like I said, I ate right before I came."
"No, you didn't," he laughed.
"What is funny?"
"You lying. You are good, but you look away when you do. At least, to me. Why are you lying? Please, stop lying. Eat, just something."
"I will leave. You don't know what you are talking about. I will leave and never come back."
"You know. Push me away, but I care."
"Well, thanks. I ate."
"Alright, if that's what you say," he coughed.
"You shouldn't have wasted the energy," I said, putting a blanket over him.
"No, it needed to be said."
"Karoline," I heard Amelia call.
"Well, I must be going," I said, handing him the remote control. He grabbed it and turned on the television.
Walking into their room, I saw her sitting at her vanity.
"What would you like me to do?"
"Um, dry and curl while I do my makeup?"
"Sure," I said grabbing her blow dryer from her.
I blew her hair dry and curled it with a large wand. She looked perfect. She changed into a cute outfit, and she went out and sat back on the couch.
All the guests had arrived, and they seemed to be having fun.
Bea got here, on my request. I jumped into her arms.
"You look like shit," she laughed.
"Thanks," I laughed.
I walked into the room, and we sat on the floor. Sky came and sat in my lap.
"Hey, babygirl," I smiled.
"Karoline, you play?"
"No, I am going to talk."
"Why? You love them more than me?"
"No, baby girl, I love you very much."
"I wove you too," she smiled. She grabbed my neck and hugged it tight.
"Karoline, can you go get our gift out of the car? Please."
"Sure," I smiled. I got up and felt my head go light. I held on to Bea tighter. We were almost to the door, and I don't know what happened. Everything went black.
"Karoline," I screamed, grabbing onto her. I didn't want her head to hit the floor. She had fallen unconscious.
"Karoline, wake up. Come on."
"Demi, Naya, someone," I screamed.
"Baby, come one. Get up," I cried. I didn't know what to do.
"Demi, Karoline won't get up. This isn't a joke," I screamed. I heard Demi run in the room.
"Bea, help me. We need to get her to the hospital. Now."
"What's wrong with her?" I asked.
"I don't know. We have to get her to the hospital."
"Okay," I grabbed her arms and Demi took one side of her. I sat in the backseat, and Demi put her head on my lap. I rubbed her hair immediately. I didn't know how to handle shit like this. I didn't know what the fuck to do.
"Just comfort her. That's all you need to do," Demi said.
"Okay, that I can do."
"Please, help us?" Demi asked as we approached the check in desk.
"What happened?"
"She fell unconscious. She has an eating disorder. She needs to be admitted quickly. Please," Demi begged.
"Yeah, let's get her on an IV immediately," she said.
I walked in the room. The doctor was waiting for Demi and I. We went to get something to eat.
"Ms. Lovato, your daughter, her blood pressure is extremely low. Her heart rate is really low as well. Her weight is below what it should be. It is 101 pounds. She hasn't had contact with food in 5-7 days, I would say. That is why she passed out. She should wake up in the next few days. I understand that she is diagnosed with an eating disorder," he said, looking down at his clipboard.
"Yes, anorexia," Demi said.
"We will get her to a stable blood pressure and heart rate, then we can release her."
"I will get her nutritionist up here as soon as possible. Her therapist, when she wakes up. We will get her back on track."
"Alright. It looks like you already have a plan," he smiled. Demi nodded.
"I will leave y'all alone."
"Thank you," Demi said.
"No problem. This is what I am here for," he walked out, and Demi looked over at me. I was laying next to Karoline, rubbing her head.
"Look, this is a relapse. I am not sure what caused it. We caught it early. I will talk with her, but according to what her therapist, nutritionist, doctor, and I decide, she could go back to inpatient for a while," Demi explained to me.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"It means we can visit her once a week. I am going to put her in a hospital here in L.A., if that is what we choose. She will live in the hospital until she is a healthy weight and until she is in an appropriate state of mind."
"It's good for her?" I asked. I looked down at her sweet face.
"It is. They can control and watch her."
"Oh, okay."
"You have to be strong for her. She has been in and out of rehab centers. It's the hardest thing to let go, but you have to. She has to get better, okay?"
"I will. I am not gonna hold her back, I promise."
Amelia, Zack, and Naya got here a few hours later. We all sat around Karoline's bed.
"Zack, what are you doing here?" I asked.
"He insisted. What happened?" Amelia asked.
"She relapsed. She hasn't eaten in a week."
"Why didn't we notice?" Naya asked, looking down. I grabbed her hand.
"Look, none of us could have changed what happened. None of us would've noticed, nor could we shove food down her throat. We don't need to push her and make it worse. I am going to have a meeting with all of her doctors. We are going to choose whether she goes to impatient or not."
"Wow," Amelia said. I looked up at Naya, and she was crying. She was just as connected to her as I was.
"Naya, baby," I said. I walked and sat in her lap.
"It's gonna be okay. This happens. I promise. She is strong. She is young. She doesn't understand that skinny isn't everything. She will, but right now, she is dead on the inside. She will be okay, though. I promise," I smiled.
Amelia crunched her face up and then looked down.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"My water just broke."
"Really? We should probably get you a doctor. I mean, how long have you been in labor?"
"A day and a half," she looked down.
"Why aren't you already here?" I asked.
"I wasn't hurting yet. I mean, it isn't as painful as I thought. It's really uncomfortable. The baby shower was today as well, and I didn't want to cancel it."
"Let's get you checked in," I laughed. Amelia got up. She held her back, and I rolled Zack towards the desk.
Everyone went with Amelia to the maternity ward. I was here with Karoline. I didn't want to leave her alone incase she woke up. I opened my magazine. I didn't bring in my phone, so this was my only entertainment.
I heard a flat line and looked up. It was Karoline's monitor.
"Someone, help, please," I screamed. "Help, please," I cried. A doctor and two nurses ran in. I backed up and sat on the floor.
"We are gonna lose her. We need to start CPR now! You need to leave," the doctor called. I nodded and backed out of the door. I was going to lose her.
Karoline McKinley had just entered the world. She was so small. It made me miss having a baby. I smiled, taking a picture of Karoline, Zack, and Amelia.
A nurse walked in and whispered in my ear, "Karoline's heart stopped beating."
My world stopped.
A/N: Huge cliffhanger. Yeah, I don't know why I even did this to myself. I cried, quite a few time during this chapter.

Should Karoline go into inpatient?
Will Bea relapse as well?
What is going to happen with Demi?
What should happen with Karoline?
Did this hit you in the feels? It did with me tbh.
What do you want to happen.
Follow me on instagram? @stressed.depressed.demiobsesed.
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